That sign is!!!!!
Think of the wives!
That sign is
This one is for her.
Just cracked a for the Mrs.My wife is Italian and seriously into Chiantis, God bless her.
Trying to find ways to kill time and running scratch kind of contradict each other.
You crack me up. Just by the fact you continuously defend yourself proves even you considered yourself a slacker.Oh Great one of Wisdom........according to THEIR numbers I was doing everything I was asked to do...If for some reason I had a few shortcuts to get the job done early..............I would of thought that you knew that there is a possibility that after being on a route for over 11 years that in due time one would hope to only get better in running the course throughout the day. Yeah.........I think I will go in a bit early today.........You know what the end result of doing that would be Oh Great one?? I guess I would of had a few more scars and more joint pain when I retired..I worked smart........Covered My As... I guess because I retired for the most part in decent shape you on the other hand, are more than likely a brown nose butt kisser, go ahead , go the extra mile (That they don't see or appreciate) and see how they bid you farewell on your last day..Then Oh Great One you will finally get the 'BIG PICTURE"
They did erect a slacker monument to him on a pedestal in his center's restroom.You crack me up. Just by the fact you continuously defend yourself proves even you considered yourself a slacker.
You crack me up. Just by the fact you continuously defend yourself proves even you considered yourself a slacker.
Hairball, merry band of yes men, mustard seed balls, great one of wisdom, brown nose butt kisser, Oh Great One. You write some entertaining diatribes, I'll grant you that.I am not defending my actions..actually I am proud of how I did my job...I was never a runner gunner, if you were rewarded with a heavier workload. UPS set the time studies up, they made the rules...I just played the game..Work smart, and not hard should get you to the finish line in fairly good shape. don't tell me that you never in all your years overstayed your breaks..oh please.........We all did....Did mgr's care? long as they looked good on paper..And that my friend is what I did. You know very well that UPS can and will make things hard on you (ask any mgr) if they really wanted to..A target on your back as they always said..Maybe I was Stealthy? I don't can make that assumption..Why did they not target me? C'mon..tell me.........I'm waiting...They did not target me Hairball because I did the Job correctly.....I looked good on paper for over 25 years so with that said I would assume UPS was happy with my work.. They have their LP dept, they can be sneaky.......But I guess they had no reason to follow and take photos of me assuming I was hanging out etc etc.. So cough up a hairball, clear your throat and realize that whatever you and your boy Photog think (unless you are mgnt, you would be that someone got away with hanging out on company time)
I played by the rules...I did not make them and over the years as they changed I made adjustments like eveyone else did....In the end I won, I finished, every 1st of the month I am reminded of that, while you still plod along dealing with the ladle of crap served daily to you by Big Brown.
Hairball, merry band of yes men, mustard seed balls, great one of wisdom, brown nose butt kisser, Oh Great One. You write some entertaining diatribes, I'll grant you that.
When the "head union guys" accept these plans for us and we vote in these "bad plans" aren't they getting the same plan/benefits as us? So wouldn't they in turn be screwing themselves as well if this were the case?
When the "head union guys" accept these plans for us and we vote in these "bad plans" aren't they getting the same plan/benefits as us? So wouldn't they in turn be screwing themselves as well if this were the case?
FYI it was McDonalds not dairy Queen..If I was doing anything wrong for over 25 years I guess UPS had no proof or way to make any claims or put me on notice( which seemed to be their way of intimidation to show the rookies) that I was milking it . My #'s were always good in line with their expectations...My Route was done properly, I made most of my ctr teams look good over the years. When I was on vacation they were glad to see me back. Oh really you say? Yes...No complaints, Driver followups, no misdelivered pkgs, no late airs, no missed pickups etc they had no beef with me. And if I did at times stick it to was only after they stuck it to maybe pulling me off my route quite a few days during peak and not using a lower seniorty driver for an example.. It seems to bother you that someone like myself may have gotten away with a few things that Mgnt would of drooled over to get the chance to fire someone. How sad that the sole purpose of UPS mgnt was to make everyday a Hell Hole for drivers and insiders so that maybe( and It happened) to get people to quit..Gee I wonder why the turnover rate at The Meadowlands Hub was so high? Get over are not in control of people are just another face in the crowd..A number to the higher ups who were always tugging at your strings..I Knew UPS never cared about it's people"What can Brown Do For You?" "Delivering our Future" What a pathetic bunch of lies piled chest high in the hopes of getting more unrealistic production from people already overworked and stressed out..Just face it...I am not lying......We never "Ate our own" and threw others under the bus to save our tails
In a word...No.
In a word...No.
I retired about 12 months ago. My wife still works, but she has some medical issues, and I opted to have her covered under teamcare as well, as she is a shortimer. Costs me $400.00/month for both of us. Like a lot of drivers, I hung around too long. My body broke down on me. My knees are shot and I have to use a cane most of the time. I applied for SSD and it was granted. I get my retirement check on the 1st and my SSD check on the 20th of every month. It might be worth you looking into. Good luck..anybody know of a good job for a retired ups teamster with bad knees and back?i
I retired about 12 months ago. My wife still works, but she has some medical issues, and I opted to have her covered under teamcare as well, as she is a shortimer. Costs me $400.00/month for both of us. Like a lot of drivers, I hung around too long. My body broke down on me. My knees are shot and I have to use a cane most of the time. I applied for SSD and it was granted. I get my retirement check on the 1st and my SSD check on the 20th of every month. It might be worth you looking into. Good luck.
I retired about 12 months ago. My wife still works, but she has some medical issues, and I opted to have her covered under teamcare as well, as she is a shortimer. Costs me $400.00/month for both of us. Like a lot of drivers, I hung around too long. My body broke down on me. My knees are shot and I have to use a cane most of the time. I applied for SSD and it was granted. I get my retirement check on the 1st and my SSD check on the 20th of every month. It might be worth you looking into. Good luck.