So, we won't know until next month, but, from my understanding of the contract, we should most likely be guaranteed a COLA raise this year.
Of 5¢ an hour.
Article 33 maintains that we receive a 1¢/hour raise for every 0.2% increase in the difference between the "Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers" or CPI-W Index from May of the previous year to May of the current year--AFTER factoring in a base increase of 3%--and ONLY applicable if the raise is greater than or equal to 5¢. This means that the article is only really relevant if we have a minimum of 4% inflation or greater (as measured by the aforementioned "Index") in any year between May and May, which hasn't happened for quite a while.
I went ahead and checked the Department of Labor's website and from a quick run of their site's calculator between April and April we should hit 4% inflation and trigger the nickel raise.
tl;dr: Even with Article 33 being as awful as it is inflation is bad enough for it to actually kick in.