Big Time Feeder Driver
Klien, for me, serves a useful purpose. He helps a person to reinforce what they already believe
Example, I believe the U.S.' current "free trade" polices are devastating our economy.
Klien argues against my proposition.
But that would make sense since he is Canadian and that country's economy (as does it's security) prospers because it leaches off of ours.
Just like China's, Japan's, etc.
So thanks Klien for reassuring my beliefs

Example, I believe the U.S.' current "free trade" polices are devastating our economy.
Klien argues against my proposition.
But that would make sense since he is Canadian and that country's economy (as does it's security) prospers because it leaches off of ours.
Just like China's, Japan's, etc.
So thanks Klien for reassuring my beliefs