Really?!?!?!?! P-man, who are you saying has discretion as to the number of rtes that go out? Like Sober, I have heard the same.
I ask just so that I am clear on what I thought you said.
Here is how it works.
IE does a volume projection and makes longer term plans. They stop this between 2 and 4 weeks before the operation.
Its true than in the system IE maintains (its called PKG) there is a plan for the number of routes and SPORH.
The PDS (who works for operations) gets that projection and begins publishing plans prior to the operation. In their system (its called DPS), they put in over/under by driver as well as a target paid day for the driver. This information is totally maintained by operations.
Now to be fair, reports will print comparing planned vs. actual. If the local plan is worse than the original, someone will need to explain. I change it all the time. As I said, ask a division manager if they are putting out the wrong number of drivers...
Just like I believe that a poor hourly employee blames everything on the company, a poor management employee blames also. Poor management employees will say that someone else is keeping them from doing their job.
This being said, there are parts of the overall process that I think are not good.... Trying to make every pickup within 15 minutes. Trying to stay too close to a target number of stops. Etc.
Overall however, the process can work very well.