Could you ever see unions making a large comeback and expanding membership?


My job is fun
I haven't brought out anything for the personal need to brag.

I've only ever posted trading things whenever an ignorant, bitter, boomer-driver decides to throw shade. Then, I use said skills to put them back in their places
Can you check on MARA for me?

How's it goin?
You say you have no need to brag and here it is no one has replied in 5/6hrs bc they are tired of you and you bring up stuff about stocks again Lmaoo we get it dude your so good at trading. Congratulations!! Go away now.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I'm more of a part-part-timer.

I have the seniority to stay home a lot.
Reminds me of one of our Union clerks. He job shares with two other clerks. Collects his city pension, his UPS pension, Social Security, and other investments. Only works for the insurance to pay for his wife medications.


Well-Known Member
This is why it’s extremely important to have a good union to stop idiots like that.
Absolutely. I just scratched the surface with this tyrant. He’s so petty and deceitful he throws misloads into trailers and then tries to write the employees up for methods. He’s been caught doing it more then once. And it’s a shame because prior to this tyrant we had good full time supervisors on our night shift. The other FT sups on my shift aren’t half bad. But even if you dont work for this tyrant he still has control over you because for some crazy reason he’s the head supervisor when the manager is off. And he’s also had issues with telling bulk drivers that don’t work for him to place the bulk in a certain area and then blames them for putting it in the wrong spot. Every year some poor member gets his vacation messed up. So as long as UPS employs tyrants like this we should be grateful for our Union.


Well-Known Member
Stupid people are the worst to work for, they’re paranoid about people trying to screw them.
This is by far the worst FT Sup I’ve seen. The other FT sups are ok. I’ve worked for some great FT sups throughout the years. But this tyrant is a piece of work. But that’s why we have our union. If UPS would simply get rid of lying cheaters like this ft Sup they could easily put the union out of business.