Fred's Myth
Nonhyphenated American
It's a competition between bacha and rickyb to see who can be the most absurd.He’s been a liar from the beginning, now it’s just comical.
It's a competition between bacha and rickyb to see who can be the most absurd.He’s been a liar from the beginning, now it’s just comical.
I feel like there're more horses in that race.It's a competition between bacha and rickyb to see who can be the most absurd.
Who is the most absurd? Me, Ricky B or you and your steadfast dedication to reading every word we post?.It's a competition between bacha and rickyb to see who can be the most absurd.
You don't say? All I was trying to do was to get the word out and call your attention to published reports.About 84 hours for the last best and final offer by July 5.
What matters and you know it is that the winner of the upcoming battle between the IBT and UPS will be the one that can get the American public on it's side and keep it there.
Exactly. Not many years ago the IBT was designated a criminal organization with power having to be ceded to the federal government.The opinions of the "American public" are manipulated and determined by how the news media has been instructed by their handlers to spin the subject and present it to us. This is where the sinners are portrayed as saints, and saints portrayed as sinners.
The handlers who determine the product the news media presents to us are the evil (insert personal conspiracy theory here).
If there's a strike, how the handlers will instruct the news media to portray the Teamsters is anybody's guess.
Good or bad, it really doesn't matter what the Teamsters do or "act' like.Exactly. Not many years ago the IBT was designated a criminal organization with power having to be ceded to the federal government.
If it wants to be tagged with that designation again all it has to do is to act like it. That's why it is imperative that the IBT find some way to maintain order and discipline inside it's ranks and not allow chaos to reign supreme as pressure continues to mount.
Do you think I care what’s reported? Most news agencies are wrong about 85- 90% of the time, this is your problem you believe everything you read without any actual knowledge. Thank you for informing me on something I was never going to read or care about.You don't say? All I was trying to do was to get the word out and call your attention to published reports.
Sounds to me like UPS is calling you out and putting you people over on defense to see how you do on that side of the ball.
In the meantime I'm just going to sit back and observe all the different tactics UPS is going to use to test the ability of your union to maintain control of it's membership as pressures continue to mount.
Good luck....I'll be rooting for you. Then again....maybe not . I have to first check the betting line.
Arent you retired? Oh thats a couple of other guys.Exactly. Not many years ago the IBT was designated a criminal organization with power having to be ceded to the federal government.
If it wants to be tagged with that designation again all it has to do is to act like it. That's why it is imperative that the IBT find some way to maintain order and discipline inside it's ranks and not allow chaos to reign supreme as pressure continues to mount.
Now the government is the criminal organization.Exactly. Not many years ago the IBT was designated a criminal organization with power having to be ceded to the federal government.
If it wants to be tagged with that designation again all it has to do is to act like it. That's why it is imperative that the IBT find some way to maintain order and discipline inside it's ranks and not allow chaos to reign supreme as pressure continues to mount.
Customers? With the egos you guys have I didn't think there was room left in your skulls for the customer.Do you think I care what’s reported? Most news agencies are wrong about 85- 90% of the time, this is your problem you believe everything you read without any actual knowledge. Thank you for informing me on something I was never going to read or care about.
I’ve been through half a dozen negotiations like this with UPS, and dozens of others with different companies. This is not abnormal the only difference this time is that the man in charge of our union does not want to extend the timeline for negotiations past August 1 costing members money, and unable to implement new better language. and I agree with him. The company likes to drag it out another 6 to 8 months after give us the offer now, so we can get it voted on, hopefully ratified and move on with work. Of taking care of the customer.
We can't go on strike unless an official vote takes place, we did an anonymous vote to show corporate leadership where we stood, then we gave them a deadline to give us a better proposal or the union was walking away, and now they are negotiating until the 5th because ups gave a better proposal and so forth and so forth, and i don't know and I could be wrong but I don't think we can officially go on strike until midnight July 31st if a deal isn't reachedCustomers? With the egos you guys have I didn't think there was room left in your skulls for the customer.
Nevertheless, I commend you for your newly acquired customer focus.
Customers? With the egos you guys have I didn't think there was room left in your skulls for the customer.
Nevertheless, I commend you for your newly acquired customer focus.
Isn't it wonderful to be able to actually NEGOTIATE with your employer and have leverage over them rather than grasping your ankles and saying "THANK YOU!!" for another takeaway?? Go, Teamsters.We can't go on strike unless an official vote takes place, we did an anonymous vote to show corporate leadership where we stood, then we gave them a deadline to give us a better proposal or the union was walking away, and now they are negotiating until the 5th because ups gave a better proposal and so forth and so forth, and i don't know and I could be wrong but I don't think we can officially go on strike until midnight July 31st if a deal isn't reached
Well hold on buddy, don't just go accusing people of being liars, there are other possibilities...He’s been a liar from the beginning, now it’s just comical.
Probably bothWell hold on buddy, don't just go accusing people of being liars, there are other possibilities...
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Oh he's had his share of stories over the years where he had a little talk with someone of importance and he pressed them until they 'fessed up and admitted to something.Yes that definitely happened.
Saw the other day a public comment made by an O-O who has spent decades in trucking on both sides of the border.Isn't it wonderful to be able to actually NEGOTIATE with your employer and have leverage over them rather than grasping your ankles and saying "THANK YOU!!" for another takeaway?? Go, Teamsters.
Saw the other day a public comment made by an O-O who has spent decades in trucking on both sides of the border.
His was the most balanced point I've heard yet regarding the contract UPS/IBT negotiations.
It's his belief that if the next IBT contract is anything less than a once in a generation contract it could mark the beginning of the end of union truckers in the U.S.
The question therefore is:....What percentage of the IBT's so called "rank and file" is comprised of Birchers, Reaganites, MAGA's evangelicals etc? People who always have their hands out to collect every extra cent of wages they can get due to being under constant pressure from their bible thumpers for more cash . But. given the passive and submissive nature of the biblical texts that controls them questions arise regarding the genuine strength of conviction they actually have when it comes to the core principles regarding the rights of a group of laborers to come together and pursue a better deal for their time and labor.
Your a delusional messSaw the other day a public comment made by an O-O who has spent decades in trucking on both sides of the border.
His was the most balanced point I've heard yet regarding the contract UPS/IBT negotiations.
It's his belief that if the next IBT contract is anything less than a once in a generation contract it could mark the beginning of the end of union truckers in the U.S.
The question therefore is:....What percentage of the IBT's so called "rank and file" is comprised of Birchers, Reaganites, MAGA's evangelicals etc? People who always have their hands out to collect every extra cent of wages they can get due to being under constant pressure from their bible thumpers for more cash . But. given the passive and submissive nature of the biblical texts that controls them questions arise regarding the genuine strength of conviction they actually have when it comes to the core principles regarding the rights of a group of laborers to come together and pursue a better deal for their time and labor.