Counter Offer!


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The call the guy and ask him for his comments on this copyrighted story that came out today at 4:30PM Eastern Time.
Remember what I said....."According to reports".

Look, I don't care if you guys have to go on strike and stay out for a year or have to give back 20 bucks and hour in order for UPS to continue to recognize your union or there's a line of scab workers a mile long lined up at every UPS terminal ready to replace you. Makes no difference to me.

All I did was to call your attention to the most recent reports made publicly available.

Rest assured if I had known that the response was going to be a personal attack then if things don't go your way I'll just sit back and smile. After all, contrary to the long standing belief of many of you.....UPS doesn't work for you....You work for them .
I can see why you were so leary to post the link, I would be ashamed too.

As for the rest of your post...

1 - the company doesn't get to choose whether or not to recognize the union.

2 - show us this line of people trying to get jobs at UPS, we'd love to see.

3 - we make UPS, don't get it twisted.

Stay in your fdx threads, at least you have a chance of getting something right in there.


Well-Known Member
I can see why you were so leary to post the link, I would be ashamed too.

As for the rest of your post...

1 - the company doesn't get to choose whether or not to recognize the union.

2 - show us this line of people trying to get jobs at UPS, we'd love to see.

3 - we make UPS, don't get it twisted.

Stay in your fdx threads, at least you have a chance of getting something right in there.
1. Given today's conservative pro business courts if UPS chose to no longer recognize the IBT with the intent to decertify....who's
going to stop them? You don't have as many federal judges in your hip pocket than you did in '97 as evidenced by the decision
of Congress to force the railway workers to take the deal that was on the table . Nor do you have as much power as you once
did. Guess what percentage of private sector workers are today represented by a union?....6%

2. Publicly offer $30 an hour with benefits along with the offer of permanent replacement labor? There might be more people
there to take the offer than you think. Along with cops and private security to protect them from striking brown shirts

3. You don't make UPS. The people who OWN UPS makes UPS. You guys simply do what they tell you to do.


Just a dog
1. Given today's conservative pro business courts if UPS chose to no longer recognize the IBT with the intent to decertify....who's
going to stop them? You don't have as many federal judges in your hip pocket than you did in '97 as evidenced by the decision
of Congress to force the railway workers to take the deal that was on the table . Nor do you have as much power as you once
did. Guess what percentage of private sector workers are today represented by a union?....6%

2. Publicly offer $30 an hour with benefits along with the offer of permanent replacement labor? There might be more people
there to take the offer than you think. Along with cops and private security to protect them from striking brown shirts

3. You don't make UPS. The people who OWN UPS makes UPS. You guys simply do what they tell you to do.
Ups cant replace 350,000 workers and pilots overnight.
Their fastest and cheapest option is to give us what we want and deserve, because we might not run this company, but it can't run without the best employees in logistics. We are Teamsters.
1. Given today's conservative pro business courts if UPS chose to no longer recognize the IBT with the intent to decertify....who's
going to stop them? You don't have as many federal judges in your hip pocket than you did in '97 as evidenced by the decision
of Congress to force the railway workers to take the deal that was on the table . Nor do you have as much power as you once
did. Guess what percentage of private sector workers are today represented by a union?....6%

2. Publicly offer $30 an hour with benefits along with the offer of permanent replacement labor? There might be more people
there to take the offer than you think. Along with cops and private security to protect them from striking brown shirts

3. You don't make UPS. The people who OWN UPS makes UPS. You guys simply do what they tell you to do.
1. Hey dip:censored2:, UPS can't declare intent to decertify.

2. Nooope

3. Still wrong


Well-Known Member

1. Hey dip:censored2:, UPS can't declare intent to decertify.

2. Nooope

3. Still wrong
1 It CAN convince the people who replace you to vote to decertify.

2. And just how do you plan on stopping it? You can't set up a picket line on company property nor can you impede traffic on
public highways nor can you stop the flow of commerce in and out of a facility engaged in interstate commerce

3. At 12;01 AM on August 1 2023 all bets are off. All prior agreements, covenants and employment ends . As a private sector employer UPS has countermeasures public sector employers don't have and will use them if forced to do so. But, in the end O'Brien will quietly sign off on a new contract that contains fairly modest pay enhancements because he knows that he can't hold ranks together for more than 3or 4 days and that won't be long enough.
1 It CAN convince the people who replace you to vote to decertify.

2. And just how do you plan on stopping it? You can't set up a picket line on company property nor can you impede traffic on
public highways nor can you stop the flow of commerce in and out of a facility engaged in interstate commerce

3. At 12;01 AM on August 1 2023 all bets are off. All prior agreements, covenants and employment ends . As a private sector employer UPS has countermeasures public sector employers don't have and will use them if forced to do so. But, in the end O'Brien will quietly sign off on a new contract that contains fairly modest pay enhancements because he knows that he can't hold ranks together for more than 3or 4 days and that won't be long enough.
You're just dumb as :censored2:. You're way over your head and you don't know at all what you're talking about. You double and triple down on your own ignorance. You're in-:censored2:ing-credible.


Just a dog
1 It CAN convince the people who replace you to vote to decertify.

2. And just how do you plan on stopping it? You can't set up a picket line on company property nor can you impede traffic on
public highways nor can you stop the flow of commerce in and out of a facility engaged in interstate commerce

3. At 12;01 AM on August 1 2023 all bets are off. All prior agreements, covenants and employment ends . As a private sector employer UPS has countermeasures public sector employers don't have and will use them if forced to do so. But, in the end O'Brien will quietly sign off on a new contract that contains fairly modest pay enhancements because he knows that he can't hold ranks together for more than 3or 4 days and that won't be long enough.
At this point you're just trolling because you lost the initial argument. It's not a good look.
You'll never be an RPCD ✊😎


Well-Known Member
He's definitely management material. I've seen many like him.
I would have you to know sir that I am very pro union. However, support from government, courts and the public at large isn't what it once was. Power within your own ranks isn't what it once was. Why in the hell did the IBT allow for the creation of a two tier "hybrid" worker to be created or allow car delivery using outside vendors ? Because it lacked the resolve to oppose it.


Well-Known Member
You're just dumb as :censored2:. You're way over your head and you don't know at all what you're talking about. You double and triple down on your own ignorance. You're in-:censored2:ing-credible.
Lacking a credible counterpoint to the realities I have made clear you've resorted to personal attacks which proves conclusively that the points I have made do indeed have merit.

Whatever you might think or say what cannot be denied is that at 12:01 AM on 8-1 your employment with UPS legally ends unless there is 1. a new labor contract or 2 you agree to go back as a nonunion employee.

What you are under is simply a contract for supplied labor at a certain price for a specified length of time.....nothing more.

Don't believe me? Go ask your union president.
Lacking a credible counterpoint to the realities I have made clear you've resorted to personal attacks which proves conclusively that the points I have made do indeed have merit.

Whatever you might think or say what cannot be denied is that at 12:01 AM on 8-1 your employment with UPS legally ends unless there is 1. a new labor contract or 2 you agree to go back as a nonunion employee.

What you are under is simply a contract for supplied labor at a certain price for a specified length of time.....nothing more.

Don't believe me? Go ask your union president.
No, you're making incredible claims and they're just wrong, I don't have to provide a counterpoint to falacies. I can't argue against :censored2: you just made up, it's not reality based. My employment doesn't end Aug 1, even if we are on the street, that's not how this works, you're just making :censored2: up.
Lacking a credible counterpoint to the realities I have made clear you've resorted to personal attacks which proves conclusively that the points I have made do indeed have merit.

Whatever you might think or say what cannot be denied is that at 12:01 AM on 8-1 your employment with UPS legally ends unless there is 1. a new labor contract or 2 you agree to go back as a nonunion employee.

What you are under is simply a contract for supplied labor at a certain price for a specified length of time.....nothing more.

Don't believe me? Go ask your union president.


Well-Known Member
No, you're making incredible claims and they're just wrong, I don't have to provide a counterpoint to falacies. I can't argue against :censored2: you just made up, it's not reality based. My employment doesn't end Aug 1, even if we are on the street, that's not how this works, you're just making :censored2: up.
And just exactly what keeps your employment from not ending ? Is there a clause in your contract that preserves your employment after 12:01 on 8-1 if there's no agreement and you VOLUNTARILY walk off the job site of a company directly involved in interstate commerce.

That's the trouble with you IBT guys . You badly overstate the security and value of your employment along with the level of public support if you were to walk off while for the most part dismissing the nature and effectiveness of whatever countermeasures UPS might have up it's sleeve and might involve measures the IBT never expected.

Despite all the bombastic chest beating and saber rattling O'Brien will hopefully be savvy enough to know when and where to pick his spots where he can make gains without weakening his position which will in turn leaving him far more willing to compromise generously. Especially if he knows that UPS knows that he's bluffing.


Staff member
And just exactly what keeps your employment from not ending ? Is there a clause in your contract that preserves your employment after 12:01 on 8-1 if there's no agreement and you VOLUNTARILY walk off the job site of a company directly involved in interstate commerce.

That's the trouble with you IBT guys . You badly overstate the security and value of your employment along with the level of public support if you were to walk off while for the most part dismissing the nature and effectiveness of whatever countermeasures UPS might have up it's sleeve and might involve measures the IBT never expected.

Despite all the bombastic chest beating and saber rattling O'Brien will hopefully be savvy enough to know when and where to pick his spots where he can make gains without weakening his position which will in turn leaving him far more willing to compromise generously. Especially if he knows that UPS knows that he's bluffing.

You had no idea we couldn’t just strike in the middle of a contract, but you know what Sean is thinking. Very impressive. Hopefully UPS hires you to negotiate on their behalf next contract.


Well-Known Member

You had no idea we couldn’t just strike in the middle of a contract, but you know what Sean is thinking. Very impressive. Hopefully UPS hires you to negotiate on their behalf next contract.
May I remind you sir that as I plainly stated earlier I did NOT write that news report . Personally I couldn't care less about what was transpiring . I only called your attention to what was publicly disclosed earlier.

Instead of calling your union and bringing the matter to it's attention you guys instead launch into personal attacks aimed at me.

The elitist prima donna attitudes on the part of a bunch of unskilled laborers with high school diplomas and little else whose only protection is a labor union whose power is diminishing and has an increasingly unfavorable public opinion is why the IBT is on an island and nobody to come rescue them if events in the next 31 days do not fall their way.


Well-Known Member
According to published reports the IBT gave UPS to today to present what it called a "viable offer" or it would end negotiations at that point and call for a strike .

So let's hear your counter interpretation of these events and reports. Is O'Brien talking trash or does he believe that at this very moment his power is at it's greatest level and has decided to take a "use it or lose it approach"?
We were not going on strike 7–1 or 7-5,
And just exactly what keeps your employment from not ending ? Is there a clause in your contract that preserves your employment after 12:01 on 8-1 if there's no agreement and you VOLUNTARILY walk off the job site of a company directly involved in interstate commerce.

That's the trouble with you IBT guys . You badly overstate the security and value of your employment along with the level of public support if you were to walk off while for the most part dismissing the nature and effectiveness of whatever countermeasures UPS might have up it's sleeve and might involve measures the IBT never expected.

Despite all the bombastic chest beating and saber rattling O'Brien will hopefully be savvy enough to know when and where to pick his spots where he can make gains without weakening his position which will in turn leaving him far more willing to compromise generously. Especially if he knows that UPS knows that he's bluffing.
So what's the process for reapplying if we strike? Asking for a friend.

Go be wrong somewhere else. You're boring now.