Thank you everyone I do appreciate the advice. I will start by finding out who my shop sterward is, (I know I know I should know who my steward is) I have been reading the contract a lot lately since I am fairly new yet to the way everything works. I am young and this is my first union job. I’m very happy to have this job and I am starting to plan for my future. There are some days when I get an air route or other pt work when I rather have a full day driving and I see drivers lower than me in seniority getting that days work when I feel I’m fully capable of covering these routes. It’s not that I want to take work from my fellow workers I just want to have an idea how much my seniority as a cover driver weighs in my favor. ,, the other day I experienced my first bump from a ft driver. I was suppose to cover a route that I run pretty regularly and I was approached by him and he told me he was going to bump me and take this route for the day and I got stuck covering his route that was dispatched heavy. I just wanted to get an idea if I have the same ability to bump cover drivers below me. Thanks again! I really appreciate all advice and tips. I always show my respect to the senior drivers.