2016 Election Rules, Article VII, Section 6(d)
Only candidates nominated for the office of General President may participate in the required General President candidate forum; provided, however, that a candidate nominated for the office of General President who belongs to a slate that includes a candidate nominated for the office of General Secretary-Treasurer may designate the candidate nominated for the office of General Secretary-Treasurer to appear as the candidate's representative at the forum. The designation shall be made in writing and submitted to the Election Supervisor's office no later than the thirtieth day after the adjournment of the International Convention.
Was there anything else you want to educate me on?
Since it is within the TOS of the site, I will be standing in for
@Irishman Collins for the duration of this "debate".
With this in mind, I submit that it was never the OP's assertion that what transpired was in violation of any election rules, rather in violation of his "man card".
Instead he's implying that Junior is either scared, incapable, inept, or too senile to debate anybody and subsequently unfit to hold the office of General President.
This whole charade is reminiscent of the last UPS contract debacle.
"Not $90, not $9, not 9¢".
Why not just tells like they plan it to be?
H&H get reelected, Junior retires, Ken is appointed President, and Junior's son David is rotated in behind (allowing him to pay 24+ months of dues, making him eligible in the next General Election).
That would make David "a chip off the old block", lawyer gone Teamster.
Or heaven forbid, like it should be?
Junior retires and takes his name with him, Ken runs for GP on his laurels without all of the slight of hand that is going on now.
But that's not going to happen, and in there lies the "cowardice".