Be sure to send it FedEx. According to TonyQ, Babbo and Lasagna we will be on strike or locked out or there won't be a UPS anymore if the first vote comes in as a 'No."
You don’t listen very well. I have always said it could get better and it could get worse. I also said the Union is telling you to vote yes for a reason. Now if you listen to them or not, that is up to you. There are many scenarios that play out with a no vote.
1. They go back and renegotiate - all good
2. Not enough votes so it gets passed by IBT
3. UPS makes a worse “Last and Final offer”
3. We lose volume
4. We strike
5. Trump could give a back to work order and ruin the Teamster strike leverage.
If you think any of this can not or will not happen then you are fooling yourself. It’s not about scare tactics it’s reality. I am very curious to see the vote result. Then how it all plays out.