Cradle issues


Well-Known Member
If a cradle only costs $100 and I could simply plug it into any pkg car that doesn’t have a working one. That would probably be much cheaper than trying to find a paper map these days. [@ $40 an hour and waisted money spent on a few useless maps, I easily spent $700]

After my last transfer, had to learn 40 routes my first year on my phone (IF I HAVE CELL SERVICE) because I couldn’t get any detailed maps. I support buying a cheap cradle, especially if you are learning 40+ routes a year.
Some of our trucks don't even have the mount and cable installed for a cradle.


I am a package car delivery driver in Ohio. We are having issues with a lack of cradles for peak. Some drivers went online and bought themselves new cradles to make peak smooth. A bunch of senior drivers are banding together to stop them from using the new cradles. They say we are not allowed to modify our trucks. How is this modifying our truck if it’s the same cradle that the mechanic would supply? Thoughts?

How are you planning on installing these? By yourselves? The mechanics aren't going to do it and I would love to see the expression on your center manager's face when he finds out your plan.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
How are you planning on installing these? By yourselves? The mechanics aren't going to do it and I would love to see the expression on your center manager's face when he finds out your plan.
If they already have mounts and cables from previous cradles, and if the cradles they purchased are compatible, it’s as simple as tightening some screws and connecting the cable.

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
You all act like you can go out on a route blind and be proficient at it the first time. Yeah, sure, once you know a route you don't need MapNav, but for these newer 22.4's and TCD's that are thrown on to a new route every day it's understandable that they would want a little help to get the
job done.
You will learn to love failure & quit trying to fix stuff/care… when I used to go out blind at first it was stressful but after awhile you stop caring & get a free pass to be a piece of :censored2: for the day because they set u up to fail & if you’re 4+ hours over , they can’t say :censored2: to you…


Well-Known Member
What the hell
My spiral bound map book cost me $24
When did you get it? Seems Thomas Guides stopped production. I’ve got maps from ‘96, ‘05, and ‘08 for my past buildings. Couldn’t find any for my current building in 2018. Tried online, ebay, etc. learned my last 50 routes looking at a map on my phone.


Well-Known Member
The senior drivers that are butthurt by this are probably the drivers with 3-5 years seniority that talk like they have 30 years in. Like why would anyone give a :censored2:. Worry about yourself.


Well-Known Member
The senior drivers that are butthurt by this are probably the drivers with 3-5 years seniority that talk like they have 30 years in. Like why would anyone give a :censored2:. Worry about yourself.
I’ve only been delivering 26 years. Learned over 250 routes blind in 6 buildings all without map nav and most without EDD. I like the idea, it’s a cheap solution to a growing problem.

We’ve had 2 drivers swap trucks this year because the cradle didn’t work. And I did a route last week because the new kids can’t deliver without a cradle. A couple weeks ago I took 25 stops off a kid who lost map nav when his battery hit 20%. but I couldn’t transfer them. So I had no map nav and no EDD. Just a hassle for me but would have been catastrophic for the kid.

Like I said, a cheap solution to a growing problem. And I can go home early.
i use to always just pop 10 stops into google maps and keep my phone in the cupholder plugged into a power bank. after those 10 stops just pop the next 10 in. im a daily bonus driver 2 hours+ everyday who shows up at start time so wtf do i know. if you dont want to use your phone then ask for a map


i use to always just pop 10 stops into google maps and keep my phone in the cupholder plugged into a power bank. after those 10 stops just pop the next 10 in. im a daily bonus driver 2 hours+ everyday who shows up at start time so wtf do i know. if you dont want to use your phone then ask for a map
Hold up we got a real live runner gunner blessing our presence


New Member
The company refuses to supply us with new cradles. They are waiting for the upgrade. So are these new driver supposed to go out with 230 stops, no helper, no navigation, spending $100 sounds a lot better than 14 hour days
Go out and deliver what you can with what they give you for equipment. Don’t bail them out. This is exactly what they want. When the guy next to you only delivers 1/2 of what you did without a company provided cradle don’t go crying about being mistreated. You are enabling them to abuse you.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
i use to always just pop 10 stops into google maps and keep my phone in the cupholder plugged into a power bank. after those 10 stops just pop the next 10 in. im a daily bonus driver 2 hours+ everyday who shows up at start time so wtf do i know. if you dont want to use your phone then ask for a map
Sweet! We need one or two more of you in each loop in every center. You guys really do help!
Hold up we got a real live runner gunner blessing our presence
I call people like that “Sponge.” Because of how easily they absorb stops from the rest of us.

Red Devil

The Power of Connected
i use to always just pop 10 stops into google maps and keep my phone in the cupholder plugged into a power bank. after those 10 stops just pop the next 10 in. im a daily bonus driver 2 hours+ everyday who shows up at start time so wtf do i know. if you dont want to use your phone then ask for a map

So you are saying you beat the time allowance by two hours every day? I don’t even understand how that’s possible.

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
So you are saying you beat the time allowance by two hours every day? I don’t even understand how that’s possible.


Stinkin Ginzo
I am a package car delivery driver in Ohio. We are having issues with a lack of cradles for peak. Some drivers went online and bought themselves new cradles to make peak smooth. A bunch of senior drivers are banding together to stop them from using the new cradles. They say we are not allowed to modify our trucks. How is this modifying our truck if it’s the same cradle that the mechanic would supply? Thoughts?
WTF is this real or am I drunk?


Well-Known Member
The company refuses to supply us with new cradles. They are waiting for the upgrade. So are these new driver supposed to go out with 230 stops, no helper, no navigation, spending $100 sounds a lot better than 14 hour days
we just got a bunch ofc cradles back in stock I got a brand new one today. I would use my phone when running routes blind though. It worked just as good