Crash the Tea Party


Strength through joy
News Flash.....................

NAACP releases report accusing tea party groups of links to bigots
Sal Russo, a California political consultant and chief strategist for the Tea Party Express, called the report ridiculous.
“To attack a grassroots movement of this magnitude with sundry isolated incidents only goes to show the NAACP has abandoned the cause of civil rights for the advancement of liberal Democrat politics,” Russo said.

Some racist bigots not mentioned are....


Well-Known Member

Maybe this will help you better understand my "original tea party" question. Even if you use Rick Santelli's passioned speech from the Commodities floor in Chicago as a starting point, the question is still applicable.


Staff member
Funny thing is is that the Republican leadership is using the Tea Party candidates. The ones that do manage to win will be marginalized. The will play ball when they are told to or will be sent to the cellar until the next election when the leadership decides to back a primary challenger.


Staff member
Holy crap!!! Is that Deez or looks like they spilled their beer. LOL

So you really believe we are going to fiscally "tighten the belt"? I'd say you've been drinking all the spilled beer, buying your own, and maybe hittin' some illegal stuff on the side.:wink2:


Well-Known Member
So you really believe we are going to fiscally "tighten the belt"? I'd say you've been drinking all the spilled beer, buying your own, and maybe hittin' some illegal stuff on the side.:wink2:

Yeah, and he made fun of me taking LSD. At least I quit 30 plus years ago!

Along those lines bbsam, I saw this op-ed earlier today and it does make some pretty valid points. Also independent journalist Eric Margolis wrote a very good piece for on the republicans and a war tax.

2 things I saw from yesterday that I thought were interesting if not positive were from Nevada and Alaska. I was informed yesterday that in Nevada on their ballots under each office listing with all candidates is another column you can check entitled, "none of the candidates" and if this is true, this is extremely positive IMO. In the case of Alaska, of the total percentage of people who voted, 41% used the write-in candidate option leaving the 59% to be split out between the republicon or the demonrat. This means in effect a 3 way race, the write-ins took the lionshare of votes cast in Alaska. Very interesting turn of events to say the least.


Staff member
And the #2 thing you mentioned was caused by VOTING !! On Alaska, either way, a Republican is winning.
Actually Murkowski ran as an independent, but she has stated that she will caucus with the republicans. Really it puts her in a better negotiating position vis-a-vis the party leadership. If they don't give her what she wants she can threaten to go caucus with the dems instead.


Well-Known Member
Way to go Ron Paul!

Texas Republican Ron Paul, an icon to many members of the Tea Party movement, has decided not to join the House Tea Party Caucus.......Jeff Diest, chief of staff for Paul confirmed....."Congressman Paul decided not to join the Tea Party Caucus"....."he strongly believes the Tea Party movement should remain a grassroots phenomenon, rather than being co-opted by Washington or any political party."

And yes, this does put him at odds with his son Rand who feels and is acting just the opposite.


Strength through joy
The NAACP hasn’t updated its website since October 20, and hasn’t tweeted from its special TeaPartyTracker handle since August 30.
This might mean the NAACP has decided the Tea Party movement isn’t racist after all. When the NAACP launched the website, which was m
eant to monitor “racism and other forms of extremism within the Tea Party movement,” it said, “our hope is that this site remains empty—that the Tea Party’s initial steps toward monitoring extremism within their ranks bear fruit. But if not, the NAACP will be there, as we have for more than one hundred years, to expose racism where it exists, in whatever form it takes.”
Well, there haven’t been any updates to the site since mid-October, and the website’s main video, one from the misleading “journalistic” duo of New Left Media, has held its place at the top of the site since late August.
Since the NAACP said it will be there to “expose racism where it exists, in whatever form it takes,” when the organization is not producing that content, does that mean the NAACP is admitting there is no racism to be exposed, in any form, in the Tea Party?​


Well-Known Member
Way to go Ron Paul!

And yes, this does put him at odds with his son Rand who feels and is acting just the opposite.

Amber alert ! Missing.....Rand Paul.... Can anyone buy a vowel from him?

And what about his other Tea Party compatriots ? They couldn’t be thrilled because the tax cut deal doesn’t come close to what they supposedly represent.

It’s true that by agreeing to it, Obama stopped the GOP from possibly making good on its hostage taking promise to block unemployment insurance for millions of Americans who are still jobless.

Extending those tax cuts and benefits will amount to around $800 to $900 billion. They will undoubtedly add to the deficit, and the lion’s share of them will go to the richest Americans.

So where is Paul ? And where are all those angry Tea Partiers who built much of their movement through demonizing Obama’s stimulus – which cost at least $100 billion less than these tax cuts – on the grounds that it would bankrupt the country and render their grandkids destitute?

So far, they aren’t saying much. Crickets are chirping...

But so far, they haven’t said much. And their silence speaks volumes.

What it says is that all the Tea Party outrage over deficits and spending has always been phony, and a cover for the true motives of the Tea Party....whipping up fear in average Americans... What’s sad is that it worked.

If nothing else, we need to call the Tea Party people out for their hypocrisy. Because if Paul, Bachmann and other Tea-Baggers are sincere about taking their country back, then they need to start with being honest about who’s stealing it from them.

And it ain’t the people who can’t buy a job.


Well-Known Member
The larger question should be why wasn't the tax rate suspension a stand alone bill ?

As is the equally larger question of "what cuts to spending will be made to pay for it?"

I'm all for ending all forms of taxation but if you still want gov't to provide this function or that function, cutting taxes and instead using Uncle Sam's charge card longterm is a truly bad and now IMO a very discreditied idea. You can argue that tax cuts have stimulated the economy which is true but during those same times that claims of increased tax revenues have gone up, gov't debt creation to float it's costs have exploded. The only thing the tax rev. increases did was make the increased debt service managible but that that Titanic in the last couple of years has been shown to have hit the iceberg and the unspoken is that the ship is taking on more water than they can bailout. I'm satified to let things go as they are and let the whole damn thing sink to the bottom of the brutal cold ocean but for those of you wedded to some form of statism, you guys better come together and workout a plan because at some point, I will get my wish come true!

Oh Happy Day!


Well-Known Member
Amber alert ! Missing.....Rand Paul.... Can anyone buy a vowel from him?

And what about his other Tea Party compatriots ? They couldn’t be thrilled because the tax cut deal doesn’t come close to what they supposedly represent.

It’s true that by agreeing to it, Obama stopped the GOP from possibly making good on its hostage taking promise to block unemployment insurance for millions of Americans who are still jobless.

Extending those tax cuts and benefits will amount to around $800 to $900 billion. They will undoubtedly add to the deficit, and the lion’s share of them will go to the richest Americans.

So where is Paul ? And where are all those angry Tea Partiers who built much of their movement through demonizing Obama’s stimulus – which cost at least $100 billion less than these tax cuts – on the grounds that it would bankrupt the country and render their grandkids destitute?

So far, they aren’t saying much. Crickets are chirping...

But so far, they haven’t said much. And their silence speaks volumes.

What it says is that all the Tea Party outrage over deficits and spending has always been phony, and a cover for the true motives of the Tea Party....whipping up fear in average Americans... What’s sad is that it worked.

If nothing else, we need to call the Tea Party people out for their hypocrisy. Because if Paul, Bachmann and other Tea-Baggers are sincere about taking their country back, then they need to start with being honest about who’s stealing it from them.

And it ain’t the people who can’t buy a job.


Since they have all been out there in opposition and you can easily find this what is your real agenda? They have all basically said the same thing to extend the tax cuts coupled with spending cuts. Rand Paul has done a very good job of pointing out the false choice that you guys have been putting forward. This from yesterday.
