

My Senior Picture
Shouldn’t they be happy for them? Isn’t that the point of a Union? Equality…

I know a big selling point for years of unions was everyone had the same rate of pay after 30 days.
If thirty days was indeed the "progression" I would say yes, but that was not the case, was it?
Part time wages.PNG

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
"This" is about market rate adjustments (MRA's) that were put into place at Worldport and many other areas across the country, to try and become competitive in the part time job market and is not exclusive to Local 89.

Seniority employees are upset (and rightfully so) to see new hires brought in at a rate of pay that took them years to realize in annual raises.

Somewhere in the Pacific Northwest it is reported that new hire hub workers are now being paid in excess of $27/hr to start.

Reality is though, at any time, UPS can declare the market changed and go back to contractual scale.
Tell them to yell at the .gov for the mess