deep state coup


Well-Known Member
LMAO, are you stupid or deflecting?

The whistleblower was working with Biden while he and his son were involved in corruption in Ukraine.

He realized they were about to get caught and Trump was going to expose them. So he tried to take control of the narrative by claiming Trump wrongdoing.

You need to educate yourself because the liberal garbage news you read has left you clueless.


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
So we should trust everything a president says?
I would before I would trust


Inordinately Right
So we should trust everything a president says?
Well we have a transcript of the call. Asking for a favor is simply not enough to get Trump, no matter how much Dimwits want it to be..... especially if the person Trump supposedly extorted says he was not extorted.

The hypocrisy of trying to influence the election with an untenable impeachment, by claiming Trump was trying to influence the election, is laughable.

The irony is Democrats have exposed Biden's quid pro quo and done more damage to themselves than Trump.


nowhere special
The first Prez I can remember is LBJ ... consequently, I don't believe anything any Prez says.
Jimmy Carter was the best when it came to truthfulness ... Trump is definitely the least.

LBJ was crude and made some questionable decisions but he was fairly honest (for a politician). What you saw was what you got. Carter got in hot water for being honest. His biggest problem was he was totally unprepared for Washington politics. Reagan may have been the most honest but many disliked what they heard from him. Kennedy was probably less honest that Trump but politics were different then.