deep state coup


Well-Known Member
Were jobseekers able to easily find good jobs in 2015? Obama was saying those jobs weren't coming back, get used to it. Was any attempt being made to stop illegal crossings in 2015? Not talking about what happened after they got here, talking about actually preventIng them from entering. How was military spending in 2015? Military morale? Was ISIS slaughtering tens of thousands in 2015? Where are they now? Obama sure didn't try to eliminate them. Was business thriving in 2015? Nope, were smothered under taxes and regulations, much of which Obama created. Tell me something, is Trump meddling in conflicts overseas? Seems to be spending his time working on our economy as well as getting our allies to pay their share of the common defense. I'm sure I'm missing something important here, but the guy works, and will get reelected. If Democrats elect Michelle Obama, or someone else because they're likeable and can get enough votes to beat Trump, then nothing really matters to you but having the power.
actually it was steve jobs who said the jobs werent coming back.

obama deported 3 million. he was deporter in chief.

youre right trump hasnt started any new wars.


Engorged Member
Judging by how far Left Dem candidates have moved any Republican who is pro-capitalism would have received much of the same treatment. Trump gets it worse because he fights back.

Nobody is advocating the end of capitalism, except in your hype. The chances of full blown socialism ever taking root in this country are zero. But it sells on FOX and amongst The Right that the Democrats want a new USSR.

Single payer health care doesn't equal socialism, nor do environmental concerns that might fatter Big Energy. The Green New Deal is an idealistic talking point and nothing else.

Please continue whipping yourself into a froth. I think FIX is permanently set at frappe, so you'll always be agitated.


nowhere special


Engorged Member
The Democrats are.

No, they aren't. And there is no "Deep State", except in Right Wing hyperbole. All GOP talking points designed to rattle and engage their low-IQ base.

Folks like you eat it up like candy. You couldn't think yourself out of a wet paper bag, but you've got every single talking point committed to memory and your very sense of being.

Sad, pathetic, and the behavior of a loser who can't think for himself. You let the Trump narrative become your own, where a poor, viciously and wrongly attacked "best president ever" whips up his base of idiots into thinking he's done nothing wrong.


Engorged Member
The American people do in fact want more of this?

Singular quotes or videos don't make the case for wide-spread socialism. It's a losing proposition for Sanders, AOC, or anyone else who mentions it because voters "get" the GOP-inspired mantra that the Democrats are anti-capitalist and "dangerous".

Responsible environmental policies (not the Green New Deal), and affordable healthcare are not socialist, but FOX wants you to think they are, and if you're dumb, the ACA and any attempts to deal with climate change are straight out of Marx.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Responsible environmental policies (not the Green New Deal), and affordable healthcare are not socialist, but FOX wants you to think they are, and if you're dumb, the ACA and any attempts to deal with climate change are straight out of Marx.

I agree. So when are the Democratic Presidential candidates going to release the “responsible” version of their plans for healthcare, the environment and the taxation that would be required to achieve them?


Engorged Member
I agree. So when are the Democratic Presidential candidates going to release the “responsible” version of their plans for healthcare, the environment and the taxation that would be required to achieve them?

Good question. I think that will happen once the candidate is selected and all of the jostling among the also-rans is over.

The ACA is far more responsible than anything the GOP has (nothing), so they're already ahead on healthcare. As far as the environment goes, simply restoring what Trump has taken away would be sufficient for now.

As you know, Trump believes in a "Climate Hoax" and does everything possible to kill environmental regulations that help Big Business and kill our planet.

Anything sane is better than Trump.


Well-Known Member
No, they aren't. And there is no "Deep State", except in Right Wing hyperbole. All GOP talking points designed to rattle and engage their low-IQ base.

Folks like you eat it up like candy. You couldn't think yourself out of a wet paper bag, but you've got every single talking point committed to memory and your very sense of being.

Sad, pathetic, and the behavior of a loser who can't think for himself. You let the Trump narrative become your own, where a poor, viciously and wrongly attacked "best president ever" whips up his base of idiots into thinking he's done nothing wrong.
Where are the JFK's, the Harry Truman's, the Tip O'Neill's of the Democrat Party today? Doesn't matter if I call them socialist, communist, or liberal, I see a bunch of Democrat candidates advocating things that'll cost money we don't have. Ridiculous sums of money. What, they don't mean it? As far as the Deep State goes, call it what you will, but a bunch of highly placed, powerful government executives conspired to find a way to bring down the duly elected President of the United States. And payback is coming in the form of John Durham, a very respected Federal prosecutor who both Janet Reno and Eric Holder used to ferret out corruption, including Republican corruption. And it's very possible this particular corrupt trail leads to the Obama White House. The recently released IG report spells out a lot of wrongdoing, but this Federal investigation goes way beyond it in scope. All of this, the Russian collusion narrative, the Ukraine narrative, the Mueller report, lying to the FISA court to get warrants to spy on innocent Americans, stems from this group's efforts to bring down a sitting president. Good luck in your future endeavors to smear all of this and snarl at anyone who is thankful there's still an element in the government that seeks the truth. Maybe someday you'll realize that there are people who want to see huge amounts of money continued to be spent on government programs that never seem to change anything, but do allow a lot of it to be skimmed to enrich themselves, and that Trump isn't one of them. Probably won't happen, but enough people are realizing this Trump guy is fighting to make things better, and forces within our government are fighting to prevent him from changing the status quo.


Engorged Member
Where are the JFK's, the Harry Truman's, the Tip O'Neill's of the Democrat Party today? Doesn't matter if I call them socialist, communist, or liberal, I see a bunch of Democrat candidates advocating things that'll cost money we don't have. Ridiculous sums of money. What, they don't mean it? As far as the Deep State goes, call it what you will, but a bunch of highly placed, powerful government executives conspired to find a way to bring down the duly elected President of the United States. And payback is coming in the form of John Durham, a very respected Federal prosecutor who both Janet Reno and Eric Holder used to ferret out corruption, including Republican corruption. And it's very possible this particular corrupt trail leads to the Obama White House. The recently released IG report spells out a lot of wrongdoing, but this Federal investigation goes way beyond it in scope. All of this, the Russian collusion narrative, the Ukraine narrative, the Mueller report, lying to the FISA court to get warrants to spy on innocent Americans, stems from this group's efforts to bring down a sitting president. Good luck in your future endeavors to smear all of this and snarl at anyone who is thankful there's still an element in the government that seeks the truth. Maybe someday you'll realize that there are people who want to see huge amounts of money continued to be spent on government programs that never seem to change anything, but do allow a lot of it to be skimmed to enrich themselves, and that Trump isn't one of them. Probably won't happen, but enough people are realizing this Trump guy is fighting to make things better, and forces within our government are fighting to prevent him from changing the status quo.

Simple. You've gone so far Right that there is no compromising as with the individuals you mentioned. Ronald Reagan, a famous across the aisle president, would be characterized a a Liberal among you nutjobs. That says a lot.

Your screed about Trump is utter nonsense and an outright lie. You should be ashamed of supporting a corrupt, incompetent, loser.

No Deep State, except for all you Alex Jones conspiratorial whackadoos.


Engorged Member
The Democrats' policy proposals are though.

You seem butthurt that extremists have taken control of your party.

You seem to think that Berkeley Liberals are the norm in the Democratic Party, They aren't, but that doesn't fit with your "socialist" narrative. I'm Liberal, own guns, and drive cars that are most definitely not politically correct. I'd happily throw the switch on someone on Death Row, and I don't agree with either Sanders or AOC.

Carry on with your lies and mis-characterizations of Democrats. The middle of the road Democrats rule the party when you winnow out the Far Lefties.


Well-Known Member
You seem to think that Berkeley Liberals are the norm in the Democratic Party, They aren't, but that doesn't fit with your "socialist" narrative. I'm Liberal, own guns, and drive cars that are most definitely not politically correct. I'd happily throw the switch on someone on Death Row, and I don't agree with either Sanders or AOC.

Carry on with your lies and mis-characterizations of Democrats. The middle of the road Democrats rule the party when you winnow out the Far Lefties.
Then put more of them up for president.


Inordinately Right
You seem to think that Berkeley Liberals are the norm in the Democratic Party, They aren't, but that doesn't fit with your "socialist" narrative. I'm Liberal, own guns, and drive cars that are most definitely not politically correct. I'd happily throw the switch on someone on Death Row, and I don't agree with either Sanders or AOC.

Carry on with your lies and mis-characterizations of Democrats. The middle of the road Democrats rule the party when you winnow out the Far Lefties.
No one cares what you want to label yourself as. We're talking politics. The extremists socialists have taken control of your political party. That is a fact.