Ok. Apologies. Did not realize you are one of those that just likes to argue with anything management says so you can feel superior. My bad.
The method taught in integrad for crossing back to the vehicle is to take the most direct safe path to the front of the vehicle. You haven't crossed the street yet. Now look in front of the vehicle, when traffic is clear obviously, you cross to the nearest entrance which would be driver side and enter. You should not have to worry about traffic at this point because you just cleared it. Then it's normal start car, check both mirrors and look over left shoulder etc. I did not explain it well, but that's what's taught.
By the way, the course and methods were put together in concert with vehicle safety professionals that as a group have way more experience behind the wheel than you or I or any 20 drivers put together. There is also room for comon sense, you always adjust to changing conditions.
Clearly you just want to have a fight about this, which is fine. This was a freak accident and I feel for the family of the victim and the driver. It's a horrible situation.