Well....you could't be more WRONG.
It IS about policy!
Policy outcomes....OMG. See, Liberal/Commie white people are a small minority(very small), they are for practical terms...Democrats.
"People of Color" are Democrats. They cannot have razor thin majorities without each other. White people(average Democrat), vote with blind devotion to the party....with their only source of information being far left wing outlets. All of these factions produce razor thin majorities. No doubt requiring vast voter fraud to take place. Witness......Democrats desperately trying to remove ANY voter identification or protocols or just plain proof of citizenship. Spare me the racial platitudes and myths. Fact: The Democratic party is founded on deep rooted racism. Fact: This is widely ignored and conveniently forgotten. It's still there. White Liberals are trying to elevate "people of color" to cobble together a majority coalition.
A note to religious Democrats: These people above^.....are Commie/Socialist/Liberals......YOU will be the first they go after....this has happened in any Communist take over. The Churchs are shut down.....appropriate people are killed or sent to labor camps and guns confiscated. Liberals HATE religion. No? You aren't paying attention. Policy outcomes^......you bet.
The unchecked illegal invasion at the Southern border is "policy" designed to add to the minority Democrat base. A path to citizenship is being arranged now(Biden Admin). It is about policy.
Policy: Free healthcare, free housing, free transportation, free food....how about free universal basic income?
Now, these are "vague insane beliefs"? Nope. Reality. This is ALL happening in real time/life. Right here in the USA.
All brought to you by Democrats.