own it

El Correcto

god is dead
How come none of these gun guys are ever around to defend against and shoot a mass shooter? Do they all run like everyone else? Always say have fun waiting for cops to arrive.

El Correcto

god is dead

we just need to quit punishing people for defending themselves and make gun ownership the right thing to do.
The problem is a lot of people ain’t packing and aren’t ready to return fire.


Well-Known Member could't be more WRONG.

It IS about policy!

Policy outcomes....OMG. See, Liberal/Commie white people are a small minority(very small), they are for practical terms...Democrats.

"People of Color" are Democrats. They cannot have razor thin majorities without each other. White people(average Democrat), vote with blind devotion to the party....with their only source of information being far left wing outlets. All of these factions produce razor thin majorities. No doubt requiring vast voter fraud to take place. Witness......Democrats desperately trying to remove ANY voter identification or protocols or just plain proof of citizenship. Spare me the racial platitudes and myths. Fact: The Democratic party is founded on deep rooted racism. Fact: This is widely ignored and conveniently forgotten. It's still there. White Liberals are trying to elevate "people of color" to cobble together a majority coalition.

A note to religious Democrats: These people above^.....are Commie/Socialist/Liberals......YOU will be the first they go after....this has happened in any Communist take over. The Churchs are shut down.....appropriate people are killed or sent to labor camps and guns confiscated. Liberals HATE religion. No? You aren't paying attention. Policy outcomes^ bet.

The unchecked illegal invasion at the Southern border is "policy" designed to add to the minority Democrat base. A path to citizenship is being arranged now(Biden Admin). It is about policy.

Policy: Free healthcare, free housing, free transportation, free about free universal basic income?

Now, these are "vague insane beliefs"? Nope. Reality. This is ALL happening in real time/life. Right here in the USA.

All brought to you by Democrats.
This is where the republican party is man. It is ugly. A bunch of insane conspiracy theories about communists, shutting down churches and labor camps(although many prisons are kinda like forced labor camps already) based on Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer being the current political leaders. But these delusions fuel their extremist beliefs that an all powerful left is coming to get them. Those extremist beliefs are fueled by their real fear which is an invasion from black and brown people getting free stuff and political power and being used by the all powerful left to destroy the nation. It is an ugly racist worldview, but it is what it is.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
How come none of these gun guys are ever around to defend against and shoot a mass shooter? Do they all run like everyone else? Always say have fun waiting for cops to arrive.
Umm.. Not a gun guy here. I believe that many of these attacks take place in "gun free zones" so there's that.

Also, who can predict crazy and mental illness on the move?? Cops will arrive but we seem to be defunding and getting rid of them.

Shall I go on? Maybe I should become a gun nut to better answer your silly questions.

Now go back to New Jersey and pretend to be a tough guy. :devil3: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Or not.

Back at ya....Your politics are destructive, ugly and make America worse.

See, I guess it all depends how one interprets logical thought processes along with cause and effect.

As I see it, the mind of a Liberal just exists on some other plane of reality. All of the above REALITIES are caused by Democrat/Liberal policies.

Racism has nothing to do with it. Near 100% of the illegal, diseased criminal aliens are of color....just a fact.

Problem is you put words in my mouth I never spoke. I never said screw anyone. I never said hate.

In true liberal fashion....your grasp of reality just doesn't match what's actually happening. And is vividly on display i.e. "undocumented immigrant".

As far as sexual behavior.......they can have all the kids they can't take care of.....just don't make me pay for it.

As far as punishing people? Never said that. Your idea of punishment seems to be that following the law is punishment. It's this illogical thought process that causes and effects.

You don't make any sense. I didn't put words in your mouth. These are your beliefs. Instead of trying to enact policy to help other Americans, your mindset is some Americans don't deserve help and are bad so screw them, they need to be punished for their being bad people your opinion. This is the core of your political belief that you expressed in this thread.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
You don't make any sense. I didn't put words in your mouth. These are your beliefs. Instead of trying to enact policy to help other Americans, your mindset is some Americans don't deserve help and are bad so screw them, they need to be punished for their being bad people your opinion. This is the core of your political belief that you expressed in this thread.

Quote me. Exactly where I said that. Exact quotes now.

This will be glorious.


Or this is your interpretation...?

Come on.......


Well-Known Member
You don't make any sense. I didn't put words in your mouth. These are your beliefs. Instead of trying to enact policy to help other Americans, your mindset is some Americans don't deserve help and are bad so screw them, they need to be punished for their being bad people your opinion. This is the core of your political belief that you expressed in this thread.
You don't put words in his mouth then proceed to tell him what he believes. ROFLMAO!!


Well-Known Member
Sadly that is where the Democrat party is man. It is ugly. A bunch of insane conspiracy theories about racists everywhere.
This is where are wrong, the Democratic party doesn't share my view point on racism. The standard Democratic viewpoint of racism is that its a problem, most individual Americans aren't racist, but also there is something collectively wrong within the black race that black people need to fix. Go listen to elected Democrats discuss racism. They don't sound like me at all. hell most black Americans don't sound like me. In fact most black Americans have the democratic viewpoint to a large degree. I should add the most black American's I know view anti-black racism as extremely common and rampant but believes we gotta work around it.

But my viewpoint of racism in America is far more factual and explains our politics far better.

Poop Head

Judge me.
This is where are wrong, the Democratic party doesn't share my view point on racism. The standard Democratic viewpoint of racism is that its a problem, most individual Americans aren't racist, but also there is something collectively wrong within the black race that black people need to fix. Go listen to elected Democrats discuss racism. They don't sound like me at all. hell most black Americans don't sound like me. In fact most black Americans have the democratic viewpoint to a large degree.

But my viewpoint of racism in America is far more factual and explains our politics far better.
Hhhmmmmm... seems pretty racist to me...?


Inordinately Right
This is where are wrong, the Democratic party doesn't share my view point on racism. The standard Democratic viewpoint of racism is that its a problem, most individual Americans aren't racist, but also there is something collectively wrong within the black race that black people need to fix. Go listen to elected Democrats discuss racism. They don't sound like me at all. hell most black Americans don't sound like me. In fact most black Americans have the democratic viewpoint to a large degree. I should add the most black American's I know view anti-black racism as extremely common and rampant but believes we gotta work around it.

But my viewpoint of racism in America is far more factual and explains our politics far better.
Oh lawd the conspiracy goes even deeper!
Not only are Republicans racist but so are Democrats! There are literally racists everywhere!

Be afraid, be very afraid!


Well-Known Member
This is where are wrong, the Democratic party doesn't share my view point on racism. The standard Democratic viewpoint of racism is that its a problem, most individual Americans aren't racist, but also there is something collectively wrong within the black race that black people need to fix. Go listen to elected Democrats discuss racism. They don't sound like me at all. hell most black Americans don't sound like me. In fact most black Americans have the democratic viewpoint to a large degree. I should add the most black American's I know view anti-black racism as extremely common and rampant but believes we gotta work around it.

But my viewpoint of racism in America is far more factual and explains our politics far better.
You should run for office.