Well-Known Member
Rather liberal use of the word "girl".
Senator Grassley said the FBI was being hypocritical. "It is not the message that rings true. It's the actions. The Bureau's actions contradict the director's assertion that it is inviting oversight. And until the actions match the words, the ghosts of FBI past are still very much in the present." He went on to say that he expected the requested documentation to arrive the moment the hearings finished. In fact, within an hour, Senator Grassley had to apologize to the packed committee room for being "so cynical." The documents had arrived but were so heavily redacted as to be virtually useless, he said, holding up page after page of blacked-out FBI memos.
Senator Grassley's hearings took place in the wake of the release five months earlier of a damning 517-page report by the Inspector General's Office of the Department of Justice, the result of an eighteen-month investigation into the FBI laboratory. The investigators had included a panel of five internationally renowned forensic scientists, the first time in its sixty-five-year history that the FBI lab, considered by many -- not least, by itself -- the best in the world, had been subject to any form of external scientific scrutiny. The findings were alarming. FBI examiners had given scientifically flawed, inaccurate, and overstated testimony under oath in court; had altered the lab reports of examiners to give them a pro-prosecutorial slant, and had failed to document tests and examinations from which they drew incriminating conclusions, thus ensuring that their work could never be properly checked.
FBI lab management, meanwhile, had failed to check examinations and lab reports; had overseen a woefully inadequate record retention system; and had not only failed to investigate serious and credible allegations of incompetence but had covered them up. Management had also resisted any form of external scrutiny of the lab and had failed to establish and enforce its own validated scientific procedures and protocols -- the same ones that had been issued by managers themselves in an effort to combat the lab's known shortcomings in the first place.
Chicago: Eyewitnesses Say Radical Left-Wing “Anti-Racist” Group Attacked Restaurant Customers With Bats, Claw Hammers And Metal Batons Including 80-Year-Old Woman…
You know a group is about as far to the left as it gets when even the SPLC denounces them.
Tinley Park Mayor Ed Zabrocki described both groups -- the attackers and victims -- as "extreme" to the Chicago Sun-Times.
"It’s extreme stances — the anti-racism group is against racism, against anti-semitism, against homophobia, where the other group is for white people only," Zabrocki told the Sun-Times.
Russia jacked up the fines for some absurd amount too for illegal demonstrations.Saw a report by RT news about the Canadian gov't enacting greater draconian measures to qwell the protests and the number of protestors in the street exploded and continue to grow. Average working class folk now joining the ranks. Love It whether I agree with them on not!