Did Terrorists Win The War???


Well-Known Member
No tony, your ideas cetainly are valid, it's just too bad you had to use someone elses exact words to express them. The better thing would have been to link to the original article, and tell us that the author expresses your thoughts more eloquently than you can. This is why I link to articles that express my thoughts on a subject. If I were a great writer I would be working on my latest book instead of having a beer and watching football (which is what I'm doing).

That is certainly not an ad hominem attack, but if I were a teacher grading you, I would fail you for using someones words without referencing them.


Well-Known Member
terrorist are not entitled to Geneva laws.Why should terrorist be treated better than the way they treat are troops.Terrorist don't torture no they just behead you.Keep defending there rights soon enough they will be in your back yard blowing your family and friends up.

Amazing how quickly some 'anon' posters have their posts up here, and others take days.

Read the applicable law, and maybe the Bill of Rights while you're at at. 'Lie down with dogs and wake with fleas' comes to mind, among other cliches.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
No tony, your ideas cetainly are valid, it's just too bad you had to use someone elses exact words to express them. The better thing would have been to link to the original article, and tell us that the author expresses your thoughts more eloquently than you can. This is why I link to articles that express my thoughts on a subject. If I were a great writer I would be working on my latest book instead of having a beer and watching football (which is what I'm doing).

That is certainly not an ad hominem attack, but if I were a teacher grading you, I would fail you for using someones words without referencing them.
Ummmm, the first line of the post you are critiquing is linked to the article that I was paraphrasing. I guess that was too subtle for you since you gave me an friend :wacko:



Well-Known Member
Ummmm, the first line of the post you are critiquing is linked to the article that I was paraphrasing. I guess that was too subtle for you since you gave me an friend :wacko:
My apologies, tony. I didn't realize it was a link, there is no way to tell without 'mousing over' it. Once again, I apologize.

What about my questions?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Drop all of the BS and look at the big picture. Terrorists want us dead. Liberals, Righties, etc. The fact that there is even a dispute at all about this is mind boggling! Why would you guys take up for these murderers when the very people they want to kill is you! We have a couple of newer guys in our building that started working at UPS right after they got back from Iraq and were discharged. What frustrated them more than anything while they were there was knowing that there were "Americans" back home that didn't support the cause. Americans, or anyone in other country fighting terrorism, should support their troops whether or not they believe they should be there. They are protecting you as well as protecting us that believe in the war. Me for example: I didn't agree with attacking Iraq the way we did. I was hoping for Iran or Lebanon because they openly harbor terrorism. And didn't Bush say that any country harboring terrorism would be considered terrorists as well? Well, he decided to go after Iraq (should have just targeted Sadam seperately) but I still support the troops because THEY ARE OUR TROOPS!


Industrial Slob
Dissent and difference of opinion are two different things. If you liberals were just expressing your opinions but still supporting your govt. and military (who are trying to protect you) then there wouldn't be so much hostility between liberals and conservatives. What you nuts are doing is taking it beyond opinions. You undermine the military so much that they can't even do their jobs. A "Politically Correct War" is not winnable. Only expreme force and using the military to it's full capability will keep this country safe. As long as you liberals have your say we will never be able to put people in their place after they attack us. Maybe you still haven't figured it out yet but "us" includes you!
you call me liberal even though i'm not.
you say i'm against the government and military even though i said nothing of this and i'm going into the airforce after university and i support canadian troops in afghanistan.
you say i undermine the military and i haven't even mentioned them
you say i'm defending a politically correct war when i never really gave an opinion regarding it
you say the government is here to keep you safe but they also wiretap and torture their own citizens of what you see as terrorist descent.

keep putting words in my mouth. you seem to enjoy listening to yourself talk


Not retired, just tired
you call me liberal even though i'm not.
you say i'm against the government and military even though i said nothing of this and i'm going into the airforce after university and i support canadian troops in afghanistan.
you say i undermine the military and i haven't even mentioned them
you say i'm defending a politically correct war when i never really gave an opinion regarding it
you say the government is here to keep you safe but they also wiretap and torture their own citizens of what you see as terrorist descent.

keep putting words in my mouth. you seem to enjoy listening to yourself talk
Sounds alot like his right-wing brethren!


Well-Known Member
you call me liberal even though i'm not.
you say i'm against the government and military even though i said nothing of this and i'm going into the airforce after university and i support canadian troops in afghanistan.
you say i undermine the military and i haven't even mentioned them
you say i'm defending a politically correct war when i never really gave an opinion regarding it
you say the government is here to keep you safe but they also wiretap and torture their own citizens of what you see as terrorist descent.

keep putting words in my mouth. you seem to enjoy listening to yourself talk

I think if you disagree with with him at any level you are a liberal. His only mechanism of debate as I see it is to throw out the tag liberal at those who provide an opposing view and it matters not how well reasoned that opposition may be. You know if it makes you feel any better the crown once tagged the founding fathers and their ilk as "bastard liberals" and in the truest sense they really were.

Like you, I believe we had a duty to move into Afghanistan and destroy the means of threat there and I also considered at first that Iraq could be a threat and at first did support the efforts to remove Saddam. However, I now believe the real motive behind Iraq was not what is seemed and has more to do with NationBuilding, shaping geo-politics of a region and more importantly acting as a greater security force for the State of Israel. It is also seen of us as a willing agent of helping to create "Greater Israel" as described in the following biblical text:

On that day, God made a covenant with Abram, saying: "To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt as far as the great river the Euphrates. The land of the Kenites, Kenizites, Kadmonites; the Chitties, Perizites, Refaim; the Emorites, Canaanites, Giga****es and Yevusites." - Genesis 15:18-21

Since the Balfour Declaration in 1917' Balfour Declaration, 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia what would become the State of Israel in 1948' has continued to expand and grow despite continued assurances that Gen. 15:18-21 has no place in current or future matters. We in the west have looked at this whole thing as nothing more than a matter of these people of the Islamic world just flat hate a free people and only desire to kill because we are free. Before you buy that song and dance hook, line and sinker you have to look at the history and the geo-political history of the people and the area.

Whether or not the fear of Gen15:18-21 and a Greater Israel coming to pass has any merit or not is really meaningless. The bigger question in my mind is what have we done or not done to assure these people that this is not the case in actuallity? As long as we are seen as doing the bidding of Israel and in effect attempting to make a self fulfilling prophesy come true, then we will always be fighting this war and will never win unless we kill them all and destroy all reminents of their culture, religion and civilization and this is the very thing they believe is happening all to the benefit and behest of the Greater Zionist State.

Jews have every right to live, work, worship, govern themselves, be self determining, play and all those good things in life but at the same time so do those folks who live everywhere else but live a life different from others including ourselves. Until we Americans are seen in light of that belief and concepts that were the bedrock and foundation of our life and culture, then we must be prepared to fight this endless fight until only one is left standing. We may win this cause but I fear in the longrun at what price to this bedrock and at what price for our children and grandchildren?

You know, much of late has been made of Clinton and his lack of pursuit of Osama and from my point of view and in hindsight neither he nor Bush did enough but I'm Monday morning quarterbacking too. However, even though I believe Clinton to have been a disgrace and horrible President when I compare him to my own core beliefs I will give him credit in one area and that is Iran. Sure Iran was playing "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" during that time period in Lebannon but the underlying movement amongst the people was a growing movement away from the radical Islamic State and more towards a freer and maybe even a democratized society. Many students had come to the West for education and that freedom was an influence they took back home. In the 90's, much was said of an ever softening Iranian people towards western democratization and whether Clinton stumbled on blind luck of it was policy, he enjoyed a means of success there IMO.

For those who would throw out the Iranian/Osama connection, well now that could likely be true now and the ole' "your enemy is my enemy so we must be friends" addage holds place but back in the day they were worlds apart as Iran was a Shia' movement and Osama and friends were Sunni via Wahabbism which is the majority Islamic faith in Saudi Arabia, Osama's homeland. As can be seen in Iraq, Sunni and Shai' don't play nice. However, those broken bridges will become stable and sturdy if we are not careful moving forward and then we will have a fight on our hands. At the end of the day our policy and appraoch may prove to be more harmful than we even imagined possible.

I may or may not agree with your views but keep em' coming because I also believe that supressing ideas and opinions is as great an evil if not worse that the damage of a terror network. In either case, it's is a means of mind and thought control, one just uses fear of physical harm and the other uses attempted mental manipulation via words.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hoser
you call me liberal even though i'm not.
you say i'm against the government and military even though i said nothing of this and i'm going into the airforce after university and i support canadian troops in afghanistan.
you say i undermine the military and i haven't even mentioned them
you say i'm defending a politically correct war when i never really gave an opinion regarding it
you say the government is here to keep you safe but they also wiretap and torture their own citizens of what you see as terrorist descent.

keep putting words in my mouth. you seem to enjoy listening to yourself talk

Ok people...HOSER isn't a liberal. He just seems to support a religion that apparently he knows nothing about. Otherwise he probably wouldn't be taking up for them. He DOES support his Canadian troops, yet, doesn't think they should be allowed to use whatever means necessary to eliminate the terrorists and why not? Why would he want his Canadian troops to be successful because in order to do so they might have to break the laws of political correctness in order to win. I mean he wouldn't want any of the terrorists, or the rest of the Muslims, to feel UNCOMFORTABLE would he? That would violate their human rights.

Well, he might not be a liberal but his views have the terrible stench of a liberal.


Well-Known Member
this is interesting, from terrorism to torture...
First of all all info obtained by torture is not really good, because after a time the person will tell you what you want to hear not what is true...
No matter if you are right, left or center the troops deployed deserve our support...If we break our rules then we fall to the level of our antagonist, we lost they made us change...


how bout this . we throw up the white flag and surrender to the terrorist then nuke them all when they march down main street bhagdad during their victory parade.


WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 — Democratic lawmakers, responding to an intelligence report that found that the Iraq war has invigorated Islamic radicalism and worsened the global terrorist threat, said the assessment by American spy agencies demonstrated that the Bush administration needed to devise a new strategy for its handling of the war.

I can't totally disagree with the point. The military solution is one part of the solution. We have to supplement it with other solutions.

At the risk of sounding like I'm quoting vietnamizaton doctrine I do think we have to do more to win the hearts and minds of the people. Unlike vietnam many Iraqi's have access to the media through TV and the newpapers. More needs to be done to reach out to the average Iraqi and sway their opinions. First thing you do with a brush fire is try to isolate it and let it burn itself out. We are doing too much that flames the fire.

another issue that needs to be addressed is the supply of arms to the counter-insurgency. We have to find the sources and stop the flow.

The idea that we would not disarm the iraqi army 3 years ago was a critical blunder that we are still paying for today.