Well-Known Member
I think this may be the report your article is referring to. After reading it I took a slightly different message from it.
Wkmac do you think this is the same report your article refers to. It may not be since it says the Iraqi government had clear ties to terrorist organizations and they shared a common enemy in the United States.
Haven't had a chance to read it completely but something did grab my attention that makes an excellent point at what I've believed all along.
On page 15 under Executive summary, first paragraph, it sez:
The regime of Saddam Hussein supported a complex and increasingly disparate mix of pan-Arab revolutionary causes and emerging pan-Islamic radical movements. (this next sentence IMO is a very important point) The relationship between Iraq and forces of pan-Arab socialism was well known and was in fact one of the defining qualities of the Baath movement.
Now I want to also include something from President Bush's Office to not only back up the fact that Saddam was involved with global terror groups but even supports fully the assertion that Saddam was backing Pan Arab terrorist.
BTW: The above is found within a larger document entitled Iraq, Denial and Deception which was put out by the WH. Here's the opening page with Table of Contents which links to those chapters.
Let's take the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization first. Who or what are they.
The fall of Saddam Hussein‘s regime affected the circumstances of the designated foreign terrorist organization Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). The MEK was allied with the Iraqi regime and received most of its support from it. The MEK assisted the Hussein regime in suppressing opposition within Iraq, and performed internal security for the Iraqi regime. The National Liberation Army was the military wing of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. continuing in same source
Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) is the largest and most militant group opposed to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also known as the People’s Mujahedeen Organization of Iran, MEK is led by husband and wife Massoud and Maryam Rajavi. MEK was added to the U.S. State Department’s list of foreign terrorist groups in 1997.
Now why would you think Saddam would be hooked up with these guys? Internal Iraq security over who? Maybe a large Shia population that has roots not in "ARAB" Iraq but rather "PERSIAN" Iran.
Here's more on them from the Council on Foreign Relations
Being from Iran meaning Persian roots I guess we can rule out Pan Arab so this would most likely be a Pan-Islamic movement. I think we can both agree that these guys were just "useful idiots" for Saddam or at least that's MO. Being Saddam was Sunni Arab I can't see Saddam throwing in at the end of the day with a bunch of Shia Iranians.
Next is the PLO. What's to say that isn't already known. Sunni Arab for the most part and if you study Pan Arabism it's clear IMO that the PLO's purpose in truth is to force out Isreal so a Pan-Arab State from the North in Syria down to Egypt and then across the the Arabian Pennisula and around Iraq and Jordan. You know the area promised to Abraham in Genesis that the Arabs believe their direct heir Ismael was really given.
Next we have the Abu Nidal Organization which is an offshoot of the PLO. I'll defer again to the Council on Foreign Relations on this matter.
Abu Nidal is a terrorist organization widely known for deadly attacks in the 1980s on Western, Palestinian, and Israeli targets. They were attempting to derail diplomatic relations between the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and the West, while advocating for the destruction of Israel. The organization was named for a former member of the PLO who split off in a dispute over establishing diplomatic ties with Israel. Abu Nidal has been on the U.S. list of terrorist organizations for more than twenty years but is currently thought to be inactive, according to the 2006 State Department. continuing Abu Nidal—is a secular international terrorist group that has been sponsored by Syria, Libya, and Iraq, and has attacked a wide range of Western, Israeli, and Arab targets. continuing Abu Nidal, which means “father of the struggle” in Arabic,.... In the 1950s, he joined the Arab nationalist Baath Party, and in 1967 he got involved with the PLO.
What is the Baath party? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baath_Party
Look, no argument that Saddam wasn't involved in terrorism but it was for his own purposes, not unto some religious cause or crusade. This is why he and Al Queda or Bin Laden don't fit because Saddam's motive was secular and Al Queda and Laden were purely religious and neither side could effectively use the other for it's own gain. Sure they may gain when the other acted independently but it wasn't something that would form a relationship because at the end of the day if they won, they'd be out trying to kil one another because the motives were so different.
Saddam suported the Pan Arabism of the Baath party meaning a reuniting of all the Arab lands as one but with a bit of a twist. Instead of being ruled from Arabia as Sayyid Hussein bin Ali, the late Sharif of Mecca envisioned when he dreamed of departing from the Ottoman Empire. Saddam envisoned rebuilding ancient Babylon and ruling from there.
This is also why the powers of Saudia Arabia feared Saddam as well as Bin Laden when Iraq invaded Kuwait as they saw themselves next in Saddam's drive of his new Babylon.
So taking the Que from the President himself, I'm completely cool with his assessment of Saddam's terrorism links as he listed in the above linked document. It would at least for now seem that the President's assesment and the one you linked confirm one another just from what I read in the executive summary. I will read more as time allows and if I see otherwise to my thinking I'll consider those points.
Saddam was a nutjob, no arguement but he was all about himself and his own power. Al Queda and Bin Laden are about a pure Arabian Pennisula and if that is achieved they would retire to that area never to be heard from again content with their own heaven on earth. Bin Laden was silent until we entered the Arabian pennisula in 1990' to defend the Saudia dynasty from Saddam's Pan Arab Babylon.
Pan Arabism is an interesting study in itself and the history from Sayyid Hussein bin Ali to today is very worthwhile IMO.
Well time to go clean up some storm damage as we had a hell of a night last night. Downtown Atlanta is trashed. I'm just glad we didn't lose power at work because I always have to stay until it comes back on no matter what or how late. I've threatened for years to buy a hot stick from the power company because I know the exact jacks that blow out and I'd just walk down the street and latch em back in. The power company guys don't grin when I say that!

Thanks again for the link there AV.