Retired 23 years
I never used any Veterans benefits when I got out. When my Brother - in - law became Commander of the local VFW about 10 years ago he talked me into signing up for VA healthcare because I was a Vietnam Vet and automatically qualified for it due to the fact I had proof I had been in areas where Agent Orange was heavily used. I doctor both at a regular clinic and at the local VA clinic. The VA Clinic just offers basic healthcare and if anything drastic came up I would have to go to the VA in Minneapolis. That is why I also use our local regular clinic because I do everything possible to stay out of Mpls/St.Paul. The two clinics work with each other when it comes to meds. What it boils down to is I could have been getting a VA disability check for years and years if I would have pursued it but I just never felt I wanted to go that route---------up until my Teamster Pension check was threated. I now get $268 a month tax free from the VA. It wouldn't have made up for the pension check being cut in half but it would have softened the blow. For now its just extra play money. If the day comes I would probably qualify for close to a grand a month if I felt like jumping through all the hoops.