Inordinately Right
Ya, just the Democrats. .... lol.
How about simple stuff like what you're actually allowed to buy with your food stamps?Disagreed on corporate welfare to an extent.. but the candidate you're backing has committed to "forcing" companies to keep jobs in the US. I don't know how he plans to do it, but it's an interesting proposal nonetheless.
I just wish folks wouldn't automatically assume a person swiping an EBT card at the grocery store checkout line with an iPhone in their other hand is committing fraud. For every anecdotal instance of "welfare" fraud, there are hundreds of people that legitimately need the assistance. Frauds (people selling food stamps, for example -- it's pretty difficult to cheat SSI disability although it happens) should absolutely get the hammer dropped down on them.
Walmart disagrees.
How about simple stuff like what you're actually allowed to buy with your food stamps?
I shouldn't have to watch a lady buy two monsters every freaking day with food stamps. Use that money wisely and it's two meals for your day not two energy drinks.
Woah Woah. This is a government program, and a very partisan issue.How about simple stuff like what you're actually allowed to buy with your food stamps?
I shouldn't have to watch a lady buy two monsters every freaking day with food stamps. Use that money wisely and it's two meals for your day not two energy drinks.
And the guidelines aren't automatic. From what I've seen its mostly up to what the cashier will let them purchase.There are guidelines; however, they are not nearly specific enough.
Who do you know on welfare?Maybe your problem is you throw words around that you don't mean. You're like aoff monkey slinging his feces.
Here let me help you:
Who do you know on welfare?
It's a family member, isn't it?
Come on, tell us.
There is this surfer dude in California that the news followed him around for a week watching what he was able to purchase with his EBT (food stamps) card.And the guidelines aren't automatic. From what I've seen its mostly up to what the cashier will let them purchase.
It's not irony, it's human nature.I deliver to our local welfare office every day and it sickens me to see the able bodied waiting in line with their hands out.
Ironically it was slow last week as it was county fair week.
And they will be in line to vote at 7:30pm complaining about how unprepared the Registrar of Voters was because they had to stand in line for 3 hours to vote.
It's not like they have a job to go to or anything like that.
There is this surfer dude in California that the news followed him around for a week watching what he was able to purchase with his EBT (food stamps) card.
He bought steak, lobster and shrimp.
He didn't want to work because he would rather surf 15 hours a day, and said why should he get a job when the government will give you money if you don't have a job.
To go back to the reforms bill Clinton put in place? You should read that article.
So if a CEO takes a job at McDonalds entry level, the state pays the difference?What we need is a program similar to what Connecticut offers. It is called work share. It is designed for folks who lost a higher paying job and pays the difference between what they were making and what they are making. Saves money for the state and makes the recipient "whole".
I am against that too.Jesus Christ dude sports team owners hold up their fans all the time for tax dollars to pay for their stadiums and you don't say jack. But god forbid some loser buys shrimp with their ebt card. Lol. You just don't get it dude.
So if a CEO takes a job at McDonalds entry level, the state pays the difference?
I know this example is extreme, but shows the flaws in that program.
I think the gov't needs to require some work from these people in order to get their benefits. Nothing of a status job, but something to make them want to get off the gov't dole.Perhaps but it is still better than sitting at home collecting unemployment.