Do you lose cell phone discount in retirement, Verizon?


Well-Known Member
My last 3 helpers were all Verizon customers and I got them all set up with the 22% discount. None of them work here anymore-----this may be one of the reasons Verizon is asking for the re-verification.

Verizon's prices are outrageous-----2 iPhones, 4Gb data, unlimited text----$200/month.


Senior Member
I sent my Retirement monthly statement that has a UPS logo on it and I removed all references to trust and retirement.
​Sent it in and they approved it and my discount remains in place.
Winners never cheat,
and cheaters never win.:wink2:

My personal opinion is that people text and "share" too much on their phones/communication devices.


The Milkman

Well-Known Member
I sent my Retirement monthly statement that has a UPS logo on it and I removed all references to trust and retirement.
​Sent it in and they approved it and my discount remains in place.

Hoax..I did the same thing a few months ago when this thread first started..Thought about it a bit then said it is worth a try..It worked. Did it online. I wanted to keep it low key and see if anyone else could figure a way around it...Our brains were on the ball :peaceful:


Gone Fish'n
Not sure why people hate contract plans so much when they can be cheaper than some of the pay as you go plans, especially if you resell your old phones to pay for the upgrade. To give you an example, I have 4 iphone lines, unlimited text/talk, and 10gig family plan, we pay 235.00 out the door a month. Every iphone upgrade we sell the old to pay the subsidized costs of the new one, kids get my wife's and I old iPhones and we sell theirs.

BTW this is with AT&T


Well-Known Member
We have three lines on our plan. Two of them are active (my son and I) while the third is a dummy line which we had to add in order to upgrade my son's iPhone. The contract on the dummy line ends in January. I had to bump up the data plan to 4GB as 2GB was not cutting it. I just paid the bill this morning---$186.27----and, I'm sorry, but that is way too much money for telephone service. My son will take over his own line once he gets a job after graduation and I will downgrade to Verizon's cheapest plan or may even go prepaid. I am not on my phone all that much and rarely if ever text or use data; however, I really like my iPhone and want to keep it so I will have to see if there are any prepaid plans for iPhones.


Gone Fish'n
We have three lines on our plan. Two of them are active (my son and I) while the third is a dummy line which we had to add in order to upgrade my son's iPhone. The contract on the dummy line ends in January. I had to bump up the data plan to 4GB as 2GB was not cutting it. I just paid the bill this morning---$186.27----and, I'm sorry, but that is way too much money for telephone service. My son will take over his own line once he gets a job after graduation and I will downgrade to Verizon's cheapest plan or may even go prepaid. I am not on my phone all that much and rarely if ever text or use data; however, I really like my iPhone and want to keep it so I will have to see if there are any prepaid plans for iPhones.
Several companies will take your iphone under their plan if you get it unlocked. To unlock it you simply need to call your current provider and be out of contract. They'll make you "apply" for an unlock which will be approved as long as you met the aforementioned requirements. Also just FYI, tmobile has a plan that gives you 200mb of data for free without a contract, feel free to google it, it's mainly used for tablets that have cellular capabilities. We use about 7gigs between all of us so the 10gig plan works well for our family, I use about 3-4gigs myself streaming pandora.

​ Another way to save cash, if you haven't done so, cancel your land line.


nowhere special
It seems all of the cell companies have been raising rates recently. I have a good deal with T-mobile but its because I am a legacy customer with an old plan that is much cheaper than anything that is offered to new customers. If I didn't have that (unlimited minutes and 100 texts for $20 per month - I don't need a data plan) I would go with prepaid plan since those are the cheapest normally available. And I agree about cancelling your land line. I was paying more for my land line I seldom used than I paid for cell.


Well-Known Member
I haven't had a land line in 10 years(well only for DSL, but no phones), held onto my VZW discount for 8 after UPS, but was too expensive now I pay 19/mo UNLIMITED EVERYTHING...


Sprint cancelled my discount. Told them after 2 years I was moving. They gave me 5% off for the next 2 years. Guess I'm moving. Swamp:disgusted: