Do you think that drivers are highly overpaid?

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you aint even know it

Well-Known Troll
Most drivers at my building couldn't even unload a trailer as fast as me even if my two hands were broken. Anybody can drive a package car and make deliveries - even old 70 yr old men. But to unload and load trailers - the job is not for everybody. I unload a truck by my self with a metro that only extends half way into the truck, and I did it in only 30 minutes. I wasn't even trying. But how could someone say driving a package car is hard when old 70 yr old men can do it? I personally don't think that drivers should be paid more than $20 an hour. Anybody with one brain cell can do it. I also don't think that drivers should be paid more than highly skilled workers such as mechanics, engineers and construction workers. I think at least 25 to 30 percent of full time drivers' pay should be slashed and be added onto the part timers' pay rates. We need more non sellout part timer ba and officers.


nowhere special
Unload is the toughest job at UPS and they should be highest paid. Raise the unload pay and then let the unload jobs be bid so the lazy feeder and package drivers would do those jobs for the same pay and where they would have to finally start working hard.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
What's with the lazy comments? Have you ever driven a rig? I drive 10 hours in my nice, comfortable car, and I'm exhausted.

you aint even know it

Well-Known Troll
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