Do You Wear A Mask? (Package Car Drivers Only) *On Topic Only*

Do You Wear A Mask?

  • Yes, All Day

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Only When Required

    Votes: 30 36.1%
  • Only When I can’t Maintain 6ft of Separation

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • Never

    Votes: 32 38.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Just curious. Some of our commercial stops are trying to get us to wear masks. Some only require vendors. Some everyone. I think it’s utter BS. Especially when the customers aren’t required but we are.

*Mods* Please move this to the “UPS Discussions” forum if possible. That’s where I meant for it to be.


Both the town/state I deliver in mandate the use of one. But I haven't put one on yet nor do I intend to.

You stand a better chance in getting sick taking it on n off or adjusting than not wearing at all.
And whether at work or out in public off the job I'd say I say about 90+% of users are handling improperly with dirty compromised hands. And then reuse the damn thing over n over.

Had to laugh at the Amazon driver last week as I saw him numerous times in passing while delivering res.
Gets in the truck and hands to face and mask down.....out of truck hands to face raising mask.
All after touching filthy packages and door handles...etc.

Or I go pickup carryout and this old timer walks in to get his food after me. Comes out after touching bags of food just touched by workers and after grabbing door handles. See his fingers go on inner side of mask to take off. And you just know the old buzzard is using it again a short time after as he folded it up nice to put in shirt pocket.

These are the people who will get sick themselves, and make others sick.....not the people who refuse to where a mask.
Keep a distance and don't intentionally spit in another persons face and I think we'll all be ok.
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Well-Known Member
I just said it poncho.

Enjoy your 16 hour day... I'll be done in 10 1/2



Well-Known Member
I picked up one of these, super lightweight and sits around your neck. Anytime I walk into a place that wants/requires a mask I just pull it up over my nose and mouth. A lot less hassle than a mask.
You just transferred the germs on your hands, onto mask. Masks are designed for single use with sterile hands, or they become contaminated. That's a lot of unnecessary crap you just put on your face, which we are not supposed to touch, btw.


Staff member
You just transferred the germs on your hands, onto mask. Masks are designed for single use with sterile hands, or they become contaminated. That's a lot of unnecessary crap you just put on your face, which we are not supposed to touch, btw.
I'm honestly not that worried about it.


Well-Known Member
You just transferred the germs on your hands, onto mask. Masks are designed for single use with sterile hands, or they become contaminated. That's a lot of unnecessary crap you just put on your face, which we are not supposed to touch, btw.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for what? If everyone wore the mask he wouldn’t have germs to spread!!! You’d keep your OWN germs! See? It’s science.
You touch a door knob, or whatever, now you have all the germs that everyone had who has touched that knob since cleaning, then those go to your face, the entry point into your body.


I'm a star
COVID-19: When should you wear a face mask?

For those who don't want to take the time to read the linked or uploaded information, masks increase the risk to the individual. Loose fitting masks (including surgical masks and home made cloth masks) do deflect and absorb larger droplets, from sneezing and coughing. If you are not sneezing or coughing the masks aren't doing anything, especially once they become saturated. Your breath is picking up the moisture as it goes through the mask, and breath that goes out the sides of the masks is the same as not wearing a mask. That means the number of infectious agents floating in the air in an at any given time is the same whether everyone wears a mask or not.

To top it off, you have a damp rag strapped to your face, that rag is picking up infectious agents and giving them a nice environment in which to hang out and continue staying active. Once the filtering capability of your mask is overcome, you are getting breaths of highly concentrated infectious agents. Or you go to adjust your mask, and inadvertently rub your eye, and now you're infected.

Mask effectiveness is about ten minutes on average, which is why they are helpful in a controlled, clinical environment where they can be changed out frequently. That is also why, for the average person, wearing a face mask is like strapping a cesspool to your face. Sure, wear a mask if you are sneezing and coughing, or just cover your cough/sneeze and wash your hands frequently. Same as always.


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Never bought my own handtruck
COVID-19: When should you wear a face mask?

For those who don't want to take the time to read the linked or uploaded information, masks increase the risk to the individual. Loose fitting masks (including surgical masks and home made cloth masks) do deflect and absorb larger droplets, from sneezing and coughing. If you are not sneezing or coughing the masks aren't doing anything, especially once they become saturated. Your breath is picking up the moisture as it goes through the mask, and breath that goes out the sides of the masks is the same as not wearing a mask. That means the number of infectious agents floating in the air in an at any given time is the same whether everyone wears a mask or not.

To top it off, you have a damp rag strapped to your face, that rag is picking up infectious agents and giving them a nice environment in which to hang out and continue staying active. Once the filtering capability of your mask is overcome, you are getting breaths of highly concentrated infectious agents. Or you go to adjust your mask, and inadvertently rub your eye, and now you're infected.

Mask effectiveness is about ten minutes on average, which is why they are helpful in a controlled, clinical environment where they can be changed out frequently. That is also why, for the average person, wearing a face mask is like strapping a cesspool to your face. Sure, wear a mask if you are sneezing and coughing, or just cover your cough/sneeze and wash your hands frequently. Same as always.
This article is from March 5 the same time the government was lying to us about mask effectiveness because they got caught with their pants down and there wasn’t enough for hospitals.