Nine Lives
The Bible is an interpretation of written history.
Although a bit garbled in structure, I think Upstate's statement was in agreement with your position.
The Bible is an interpretation of written history.
Untrue. The Gospels which make-up the Bible were all written by unknown people starting at a minimum of a hundred years after the SUPPOSE life of Jesus. They all greatly contradict one another. Two well known historians from the SUPPOSE time of Jesus never even mentioned him, and they were around during his SUPPOSE time. The Romans which were impeccable record keepers, don't even mention him. Both Historians and Theologians agree that they can not confirm whether or not a man named Jesus even existed then. They think there might've been, but there's no actual history to verify it. The Bible is a bunch of stories that coincidentally mimic the story of Horus which predates Christ by almost 1700 years. Any book that contains over 55,000 direct contradictions can't be called an "interpretation of history". I call it what it is. A book written during the Iron Age by ignorant people that explained away the unknown by creating God(s). Every culture has done it.![]()
For anyone to believe that some 2000 years ago, an ignorant society of people wrote a "tell all" book to guide humanity over the life of the planet is laughable.
Roll the maps....... Don't fold the maps.....and they are really hard to fold....
There you go again ... California was not around 2000 years ago.
I don't know anyone who thinks the Earth is less than 2000 years old.Yeah HOAX, the earth is less than 2000 years old. I have an OAK tree on my route that is older than that. Protected by the state of california. Its been a wonder seeing that tree everyday for 24 years knowing its been around longer than anything living on this planet.
Next thing you'll say is that dinosaurs didnt exist.
Even if GOD did make you Shut UP you would still find someway to run your trap.WHY don't you pray to GOD to make me?
Well for me it's a terrible read. I'm not interested in it, nor will I probably ever pick one up with the intent to read. Maybe because I spent too many years in parochial school and it was forced on me? But again, nothing wrong with those that believe in what the bible speaks.If this were baseball, the announcer would say:
And to GingerKat, disagree that the bible is a terrible read. Once you understand how it was written and the back story, it's actually a very interesting read. Google the "Documentary Hypothesis" sometimes called the Wellhausen Hypothesis and go from there. As Professor Hayes points out, when you understand the bible, Old Testament in her case, as not a book but as a library, then it starts to open up more and more and you'll go well beyond the bible if you dare follow that course.
Personally I think the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi blow the lid off what we think we know about the bible and of which we get our narrative of the times of Jesus. Beyond scholarship it's little known and best kept that way if maintaining the status quo is the goal.
Even if GOD did make you Shut UP you would still find someway to run your trap.
Must admit it was very efficient.Yet, another thread started by I
Who asks an open ended question.... or makes a statement....
Never to return.... until the next one.
Life after brown is what I would suggest
Now, you could steer this into Current Events with the above post and articles theorizing or speculating genealogy. But I don't believe the OP intended for that.![]()
"Does the Creator Care?" assuming there is a creator.SMH,
That would insinuate that you are in fact a believer in life after death.![]()