Got the T-Shirt
A K-9 cop just had to shoot his Belgian Malinois a couple of days ago after it attacked him.
A Belgian Malinois is like a German Shepard.... on crack.
They are hard to train, and not a family pet.
A K-9 cop just had to shoot his Belgian Malinois a couple of days ago after it attacked him.
My neighbor had one and she was friendly but you could tell it wouldn't take much to trigger her aggression. They can be good pets but you have to be careful socializing and training them.A Belgian Malinois is like a German Shepard.... on crack.
They are hard to train, and not a family pet.
I copied this from a facebook post. Anyone from the area that can verify??
Please start a prayer chain for a dear family friend of many years. Amy Demi as many of you know is the lead singer for Switch. She was severely mauled on Tues Aug 28 while delivering a UPS letter to a house in Penn Twp. She was mauled by 3 German Shephards imported from Germany and trained at a military facility as attack dogs. The only fence around the property was an invisible fence. The dogs were let out as she was making her delivery. They took her down and ravagely tore her apart. Her legs, arms, chest and back. She has wounds that cant be closed because there isnt enough skin to close them. Infection is a big threat right now and today she faces her 3rd surgery. For whatever reason this vicious dog attack that will impact Amy for life was not reported by any news stations. Please know that Amy is loved by many and needs our prayers. Please feel free to share. Amy needs as many prayers as she can get and this vicious attack should have made the news.
Im not folding my arms. Ever. I’ll give it a try wth them at my sides, but I’ve punched more than one dog in the head. Works good too!For UPS Drivers, Just in Case You Meet a Mad Dog
Don’t know whether this works or not, but it sounds good.
" Beware Of Dog" signs are an acknowledgement of dogs on the property that have a prior and or proven history of attacking or injuring a person. It provides any visitor with the option of deciding on whether or not to enter the property. At the same time as an employee what choice was this service provider given? I would be willing to bet that there's at least a 99% likelihood that the property/dog owner doesn't have a nickel's worth of liability insurance on those damn dogs and as has been the case in other similar situations will want some sort of exception to be made in their case.
If security is what they were seeking there are plenty of security firms standing by ready to install far safer, more secure and less costly security systems.
Three questions now exist.
Will UPS and or it's insurer seek to subrogate against the dog owners?
Why would the property owners go to such great lengths to secure the property?
Was it the property itself or the contraband that may be inside it?
Man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. Lol.Im not folding my arms. Ever. I’ll give it a try wth them at my sides, but I’ve punched more than one dog in the head. Works good too!
Interesting.I work at a neighboring center to this incident , within about 30 minutes (can’t give too many details) , it DISGUSTS me that my management team never discussed this at the PCM. We are too worried about telling grown men to stay hydrated , yeah nostay hydrated. They probably won’t even put a note in the board for this stop , just so the next victim can get mauled.
Real butt heads arent they?I work at a neighboring center to this incident , within about 30 minutes (can’t give too many details) , it DISGUSTS me that my management team never discussed this at the PCM. We are too worried about telling grown men to stay hydrated , yeah nostay hydrated. They probably won’t even put a note in the board for this stop , just so the next victim can get mauled.
What’s the latest word?Still waiting for Kevin Backlund to return.
I feel a lot safer around a pit bull than I do around a German Shepherd. Pit bulls are a lot more clear with their body language.Pit bulls are unpredictable. I never step foot on property where one of them are on. I don’t care how harmless the owner claims them to be. I’m a stranger and if that dog sees me as a threat he’s likely to attack. Had one pit bull owner scoff at me and laugh because I made them walk to their front gate and get their package while their pit was roaming in the front yard. “It’s okay he won’t bite, you can come on up!” Yeah... no thanks.
Have not heard anything new since hearing the dog owner would not be prosecuted.What’s the latest word?