Well-Known Member
Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw:
Dear Jesus,
Please save me from your followers.
Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw:
Don't know if it's been posted yet but.Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home andthe prom queen.
You don't get the joke? Musk is an African--American?Why are you always making crap up instead of actually responding to what I posted?
Musk wasn't a billionaire when he came here. And he came here under that visa program. Believe it or not there was a time when the country tried to enforce immigration laws.Musk is rich enough to do whatever he wants. He doesn't need a stinking visa. If a dirt poor illegal illiterate Mexican immigrant can eventually become legal here, so could Musk.
That's 85,000 too many, and six years too long.
Assuming the above is accurate, here's a bigger problem:There is some abuse but most companies use the program as intended. Musk first came to the States on that visa. And the program only.allows 65,000 a year to come in and they have to have at least a bachelor's degree. Up to 20,000 more can come in if they have a master's. And the visa is for three years with a one time three year extension possible.
Musk wasn't a billionaire when he came here. And he came here under that visa program. Believe it or not there was a time when the country tried to enforce immigration laws.
I'm not picking nothing. He got in on that visa program.You're picking nits.
You don't have to be a billionaire to get into this country legally when dirt-poor will suffice.
Musk was born smart, wealthy, and connected.
Not difficult to imagine that one way or another, he was getting in.
So he was here legally?I'm not picking nothing. He got in on that visa program.
You're assuming that once in those in the program will be doing other jobs besides what they're brought in for. Those of you who are against the program cast it in the worst possible light to bolster your argument. I've already said it, if the program is being abused by a company then fine them and send their applicants back. If it's being used to keep qualified Americans from good jobs in favor of much lower paid foreigners then shut it down. If however there's a shortage in skills needed and a company needs to find qualified workers from outside the U.S. then the visa program needs to be there to help our companies.Assuming the above is accurate, here's a bigger problem:
The 85,000 a year number does NOT mean that the total number of visas cannot exceed that number at any given time.
If my interpretation is correct, that adds up to a potential for 510,000 work visas to be present in this country at any given time!
Do you really believe that this won't be abused as far as it can be taken?
That's 510,000 college educated, mom's basement dwelling citizens who are asking if you "want to Super Size" when you visit a fast food restaurant.
Not sure what your point is?So he was here legally?
Good Lord you're even extending your hatred of Jews to Christianity.A true Christian is basically a hippy-communist, the Gospel is pretty clear with what Christ asked of his followers
What Paul, a hardcore conservative Jew, wrote in the Epistles is pure subversion of Christ's true message, and also pretty typical for Jewish writings in the Talmud
"Christ said to turn the other cheek? Wellllllll what he really meant was...."
European Christianity wasn't successful because of Christ, it was successful because it had the side effects of motivating the poor to not accept the status quo while retaining most of their other pagan traditions and beliefs
At the heart of these issues is : What is a nation? What is an American? Is it a propositional nation, that is held together by a Lockean understanding of natural rights- life liberty, and happiness- a universal abstract tabula rasa understanding of human nature not socially constrained by anything but whatever the mass glob of humanity desires or the Edmund Burke understanding of a nation that centers its nation on tradition, shared ethics and religion etc.. We are at a fork in the road and immigration has destroyed our nation period.Musk and Ramaswamy have come out saying we need to import more H-1b visa immigrants to do jobs, as American culture doesn’t produce as good of workers.
MAGA supporters like Laura Loomer and Steve Bannon have come out attacking Musk and Ramaswamy, saying they are doing this to get cheap labor, and H-1b immigrants are “indentured servants” who will be deported if they lose their job, so they work for less and put up with more. They say this is not “America first”. Musk has since taken away their verifications on Twitter after speaking out against him.
Rogaine?Elon is a punk ass bitch. And as far as Indian men go, they can suck my hairy ballsack, little pussyys.
Settle downRogaine?
You're assuming that once in those in the program will be doing other jobs besides what they're brought in for. Those of you who are against the program cast it in the worst possible light to bolster your argument. I've already said it, if the program is being abused by a company then fine them and send their applicants back. If it's being used to keep qualified Americans from good jobs in favor of much lower paid foreigners then shut it down. If however there's a shortage in skills needed and a company needs to find qualified workers from outside the U.S. then the visa program needs to be there to help our companies.
Should I love people who hate me?Good Lord you're even extending your hatred of Jews to Christianity.
Overhyped degenerate