Dominion and Fox News reach $787.5 million settlement in defamation lawsuit


Engorged Member
The liberal outlets cover for each other. Look at the behind the scenes going on at Twitter. Absolutely worse than FOX because they were working with the government. Doesn't give FOX a free pass but the liberal outlets flat out refuse to cover anything that makes Biden and Dems look bad. And suppress negative stories before elections. So it's disingenuous to say "at least they didn't do what FOX did."
Twitter. Isn't Musk one of your heroes? "Suppressing negative stories before elections". Is that like "Catch and Kill" for Trump. BTW, your man Musk is kind of cray-cray, and he's not even a real "Murican. He's from South Africa. Too bad Maury Povich retired because he could have an entirely new show based on baby daddies Nick Cannon and Musk.

You do such an excellent job of owning yourself that I barely need to work at it.


Well-Known Member
Twitter. Isn't Musk one of your heroes? "Suppressing negative stories before elections". Is that like "Catch and Kill" for Trump. BTW, your man Musk is kind of cray-cray, and he's not even a real "Murican. He's from South Africa. Too bad Maury Povich retired because he could have an entirely new show based on baby daddies Nick Cannon and Musk.

You do such an excellent job of owning yourself that I barely need to work at it.
How dare you! Musk is African-American. Racism!


All Trash No Trailer
........... Anyone who wants to shut down opposition voices isn't really interested in upholding the Constitution.
are you serious?? The Gentle Christian MAGA folk want to cancel CRT,Ban Books, shut downanything the perceive as "woke", Boycot football because of Kapernick having the audacity to take a knee,toss Mickey Mouse out of Florida,Boycott certain beer ,M&M's,Mr Potato head for imaginary "woke" transgressions, shut down any suggestion of Sensible Gun Control,............I could go on and on.


Well-Known Member
are you serious?? The Gentle Christian MAGA folk want to cancel CRT,Ban Books, shut downanything the perceive as "woke", Boycot football because of Kapernick having the audacity to take a knee,toss Mickey Mouse out of Florida,Boycott certain beer ,M&M's,Mr Potato head for imaginary "woke" transgressions, shut down any suggestion of Sensible Gun Control,............I could go on and on.
Touche'. Difference is we're going through the legal voting process. Dems go behind the scenes and rig things. And not so secretly talk of adding states and stacking SCOTUS. And are openly importing millions of unvetted people illegally in hopes of eventually using their votes to get control of the government. Being critical of things the other side is doing isn't the same as working towards completely controlling the government to always get your way.

Cancel CRT: you mean the curriculum teaching kids that their whiteness is inherently racist? Their blackness will always make them a victim? That the U.S. was founded on slavery in 1619?

Ban books: you mean when parents protest in school board meetings that school libraries have books that graphically describe sex acts and are available to kids even in elementary schools?

Kaepernick: you mean the guy who after being benched for poor play started telling everyone that white America is racist? You think fans should be enthusiastic about seeing that?

Toss Mickey Mouse out of Florida: you mean the very large corporation which helped characterize Florida legislation as the "don't say gay" bill when all it said was teachers weren't to discuss transgender issues in the classroom for K-3rd grades? The corporation that had a sweetheart deal with Florida to manage its own district free of Florida government oversight and taxation? When was the attempt to throw them out of Florida? Hadn't heard that one. Attempt was made to take their governing authority away because they inserted themselves into state politics.

Gun control: when you come up with legislation that reasonably controls guns beyond the thousands of laws already on the books let us know.

Woke anything: people don't like anything pushed on them whether it's transgender issues, gun control, CRT, or in your case Christian values or conservative economics. How about we stop using anything that's attractive to kids to push an agenda?


Well-Known Member
I have relatives who have their TV on Fox News from waking until bedtime. The only exception will be a baseball/football game and then right back.
Have you watched a lot of tv recently? I occasionally watch some old sitcoms but I don't see anything new on network tv that interests me. I watch maybe 4 hours of FOX a day. Otherwise the tv is mostly off except for sports. I do watch "60 Minutes." Occasionally watch the other cable news outlets but not as much as I used to. TV isn't what it used to be. Neither are the movies. Or music. If entertainment is a reflection of society we're in trouble.
Have you watched a lot of tv recently? I occasionally watch some old sitcoms but I don't see anything new on network tv that interests me. I watch maybe 4 hours of FOX a day. Otherwise the tv is mostly off except for sports. I do watch "60 Minutes." Occasionally watch the other cable news outlets but not as much as I used to. TV isn't what it used to be. Neither are the movies. Or music. If entertainment is a reflection of society we're in trouble.
4 hours of Faux a day? You need to get a job.


Well-Known Member

Appears to be real.



Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

Appears to be real.


So I guess now the conservatives that said they know FOX is like the other MSM news but they just tune in for Tucker can now stop watching FOX completely. Let’s see how that works out. Many on the right are hooked on FOX just as the left is hooked on MSNBC, CNN and the others. Can’t leave that propaganda.


Well-Known Member
The media heads are pointing out that this morning Fox News was running promos and doing read-ins touting tonight's show plus Tucker's guests. Whatever happened, happened quickly.