Well-Known Member
The sad part is that I'm not even a new steward. Even sadder is that none of the stewards or anyone I spoke to even knew of the constitutional language either. I actually did know of it. I had even read Section 2(a) where the language refers to any offer put to the vote as the final offer. I had simply forgotten that language and was only referencing Section 2(d) when speaking to the membership. I'm definitely more informed and knowledgeable than most, but even I screw up sometimes. I'll keep on doing my job as a steward to the best of my ability for the people, and at least I now know even more strongly how important it is to be informed of all the ins and outs of the language.Hey brother, keep your head up. You're more informed now. Lagunabrown is a well informed member and now so are you. As a steward that's his job. Was he a against you, yes but now you're more prepared for next time. Get involved my brother like he has. I kn ow now you'll be more prepared and knowledgeable about the contract and Constitution. You are a new steward, inform your members! It's a hard job but accep the challenge and now it's your job.
Oh, and I strongly doubt that Lagunabrown actually knew of the Section 2(a) language himself. I actually had read the constitutional language referring to strikes and the voting process before this all went down. I know that the stewards in my building who were referring to this as the final offer didn't know that language, either. They were all just told this was the case by "someone above them" and took it at face value. If anyone actually knew about the language they would have referenced Article XII voter turnout numbers at the same time. Like I have stated before, it's odd that the IBT didn't even reference Article XII Section 2(a) and 2(d) language. I know it's the job of the membership to become informed, but to talk of a strike without even telling the members why it's a possibility had an obvious intent. Most members don't even know that there's a constitution that governs all of the companies the Teamsters unionize. They think the contract is the only thing relevant to them. This all played out in the IBT's favor.