Don't Leave The Union....

browned out

Well-Known Member
There was absolutely no reason for Taylor to impose the National and it is preposterous that he will now impose some of the rejected supplements. These locals wanted to improve their contract language, wages, terms of employment and working conditions but now can not.

Corrupt Unions like the Teamsters and the UAW no longer represent the members. They are now Company Controlled Unions.

National Right to Work Foundation » Right to Work States

National Right to Work Foundation » Know Your Rights
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Well-Known Member
Don't leave the union...? This latest contract giveaway will only reinforce the paradigm that the union is essentially leaving the employees it's supposed to be safeguarding the interests of.

And in RTW states, an employee doesn't need to leave a union he declined to join in the first place. A steward is lucky to convince 3 out of 5 new hires in the few minutes he has with them during initiation that at such a pathetic starting wage it's a winning move for him to pay dues for a union that can't or won't fight for better compensation than what he could make starting out any number of places where he doesn't have to break his back in often sweatshop conditions.

If the union wants employees to help keep it in the game, then Hoffa and Taylor need to quit conducting themselves in a manner that overtly suggests they are out to throw the game to begin with.


Stronger, Faster, Browner
Do you have any idea what it takes to organize, gill with bodies of representatives, and fund a Union, along with the cost for good lawyers to help right out bylaws and guidelines, contract's,etc. No, leaving is a bad idea, voting, participating, and mentoring others to participate is what we need to improve on. You do know we can put pressure on our B.A.s and other union bodies by voting for or against them. Most just say yeah, I'll check yes. We need to let them know they're accountable and just like the red political wave that's happened, a wave can come roaring through the Union as well.


Stronger, Faster, Browner
I think a rule of length of employment and union membership should be writin for voter elegability. Maybe 6months or a yr in order to be a. Elegable voter? I don't know, just an idea, because the high turnover position is what hurts us. We can't expect them to get involved if they're not motivated to stay.

rocket man

Well-Known Member
Low turnout has led to the ratification of the master agreement. I keep seeing posts stating "I'm leaving the Union" and so on. I have a better solution, time to start our own Union or reach out to someone other than the Teamsters to represent us. Happens all the time. Hoffa have lost sight of what's important for members. We could be UPWA for "United Package Workers of America" or something like that..
United pineapple workers america starting that again


Do you have any idea what it takes to organize, gill with bodies of representatives, and fund a Union, along with the cost for good lawyers to help right out bylaws and guidelines, contract's,etc. No, leaving is a bad idea, voting, participating, and mentoring others to participate is what we need to improve on. You do know we can put pressure on our B.A.s and other union bodies by voting for or against them. Most just say yeah, I'll check yes. We need to let them know they're accountable and just like the red political wave that's happened, a wave can come roaring through the Union as well.

How’s that convincing go now? “Hey join the teamsters, pay them money weekly, but you get no say so in a vote or anything you disagree with. But you have to pay them.” Sorry that won’t work. Mass exodus is coming and that is squarely on the Teamsters hands.


Well-Known Member
Don’t worry, Teamsters just took care of that. Everyone in RTW will be leaving anyways. Thanks teamsters
Oh they are not leaving by any means, they are freeloading. Getting the same benefits but not paying dues. If the Teamsters bailed from RTW states they would be crying like a baby. The funniest part is they withdraw their votes if they leave. Who is the genius that thought of that one! LOL.! Complete stupidity. I’m not kidding when I say some of you guys are imbeciles. The “vote no” movement is turning into the “no vote” movement after they just had a massive turnout. Way to screw up your own progress. Cheers!

Time for change

Well-Known Member
Oh they are not leaving by any means, they are freeloading. Getting the same benefits but not paying dues. If the Teamsters bailed from RTW states they would be crying like a baby. The funniest part is they withdraw their votes if they leave. Who is the genius that thought of that one! LOL.! Complete stupidity. I’m not kidding when I say some of you guys are imbeciles. The “vote no” movement is turning into the “no vote” movement after they just had a massive turnout. Way to screw up your own progress. Cheers!
It’s a matter of principle not paying dues to an organization that is corrupt and not representing us. DT and JH put the dagger in the Teamster union. Everybody saying bye and laughing but you won’t be laughing soon when the thousands and thousands are no longer contributing dues.


Stronger, Faster, Browner
We can only blame the ones who didn't vote. We have no excuses next contract to not vote. This should be a hard lesson on us. The other end of the tail is the yes voter's. Do you know, if only 4998 of the yes voters has votes No, we would have had our 2/3rd and stopped forced it into the bargain table. We can only truly blame the non voter and some yes voters. The I don't give a crap voters.