Well-Known Member
Enjoy the growth while it lasts.
Once everyone accounts get bloated good old barry will impose a tax on everyone to steal it back .
He won't touch our 401k's.
Resident know-it-all.
Enjoy the growth while it lasts.
Once everyone accounts get bloated good old barry will impose a tax on everyone to steal it back .
More irrational delusions by the republicans on this board. You guys and gals are hilarious.He has to .
All those evil 1%'er must be punished .
He cares very little if most of the accounts are actually owned by the middle class .
He will need the funds to support all those new fence jumpers ( future democratic voters ) .
Bad assumption on your part .More irrational delusions by the republicans on this board. You guys and gals are hilarious.![]()
I don't think so. If there is another attack, and I don't doubt there will be, the US won't be rushing into a couple overseas wars. A lot of heat on foreign governments, a lot of drones, increased homeland defense, and very, very lenient courts on electrontic surveillance and data mining. In short, the markets will have a small precautionary blip and return to normal when it sees measured, less radical and far more effective response.I fully expect the economy to tank again when the next big terrorist attack on the US happens------and it will. Right now all someone has to do is fart in the mid-east and the gas prices skyrocket and the stock market loses five hundred points minimum. As far as adding jobs goes I know around here they add a few thousand every year for the resorts and tourist traps. Too bad they are all 3 month jobs at usually less than minimum wage. The resorts get a lot of their help from 3rd world countries with people who are here on a temporary work permit-------or so they say.
Taken from your link.One interesting nugget in the June jobs report was the rise in the number of people who worked part-time.
While it’s a number that flops around from month to month — the standard deviation is 287,000 — it jumped by 799,000, which was the largest one-month gain since January 1994. At the same time, there was a 523,000-person drop in full-time workers, the first decline since October.
Taken from your link.
That said, over the past 12 months, 10,000 new part-time jobs have been created — versus 2.12 million full-time jobs.
And looking at the survey of establishments, it was high-paying sectors that were creating jobs in June. “These are not McDonald’s, Mickey Mouse kind of jobs,” Hoffman said. “This is a better-quality jobs story.”
Hoffman said he wouldn’t be surprised if the number of part-time workers comes back to more normal readings in July and August.
Cherry picking your own links, are you?Marketwatch is a liberal source but even they admitted it didn't look good. Predicting things might get better sounds a lot like the historic "Prosperity is just around the corner". The numbers might be better in July and August. They also might be worse.
what makes Marketwatch liberal?Marketwatch is a liberal source but even they admitted it didn't look good. Predicting things might get better sounds a lot like the historic "Prosperity is just around the corner". The numbers might be better in July and August. They also might be worse.
No, Just mentioning that I will use a variety of sources including those on the left. Instead of those who will only believe what a left source say. And accuse those who disagree of watching nothing but Fox.Cherry picking your own links, are you?
what makes Marketwatch liberal?
Would be more interested in there historical accuracy than labeling one way or another. Any idea of their accuracy?Read their articles.
Would be more interested in there historical accuracy than labeling one way or another. Any idea of their accuracy?
Why wouldn't he?He won't touch our 401k's.
Resident know-it-all.
sounds like Larry Kudlow.As far as objective coverage of the stock market Marketwatch has little if any bias. Its when they stray into politics and do things like conducting surveys their bias becomes apparent.
sounds like Larry Kudlow.
don't know. Don't watch Kramer. Hardly watch Kudlow.I don't watch Kudlow but would still rank him above Cramer.