East coast navy
I had a center manager on a OJS and he said you no that the speed reader is off about five mph. You can go 70 in a 65. I said maybe I should go 60 in a 65. He didn't say a word for the whole 45 min ride to my route.
We are talking about stealing time. I raised a question above.
Here is something to ponder,
Let's say you go on break and you hit the time button in your DIAD at 11:00am , 5 seconds later it changes to 11:01am (since the DIAD doesn't show seconds), you gave the company 0:55 seconds. Should you be reimbursed? Is that not "Stealing Time" but "Donating Time"?
Wholeheartedly agree Stink. Maybe when we come back to the table on this TA; we can negotiate some language in there to establish a "bank" of sorts to capture all of these seconds lost on our timecards. Ups has every ability to measure our time down to the nanosecond so this should be an easy function to add to the diad. Think of ALL the overtime on your paycheck every Friday. This 1 mph thing just burns myWe are talking about stealing time. I raised a question above.
Here is something to ponder,
Let's say you go on break and you hit the time button in your DIAD at 11:00am , 5 seconds later it changes to 11:01am (since the DIAD doesn't show seconds), you gave the company 0:55 seconds. Should you be reimbursed? Is that not "Stealing Time" but "Donating Time"?
Point taken; however, if this guy is driving the same speed for an extended period of time it doesn't sound like there was much acceleration, handling or stopping going on. Just sayin'.
I believe that and I'm shocked at the same time. I'm surprised that you allow that being you are very much on top of your finances. Will you send them a bill on your last day? LolI manually enter all of my times in to the DIAD but you do make a good point.
When I retire the company will owe me a good chuck of change for "donated time".
Do me a favor----you drive on any part of 95 or 295 doing 54 and tell me what kind of reaction you get.
I find it odd that the drivers in question chose to go just 1 mph under the posted limit (again, based on ideal conditions). We have drivers who will stand by the exit with their DIADs in their hands waiting until they are one click over 9.5 to punch out. IMO both actions have no purpose other than to send a message.
We are talking about stealing time. I raised a question above.
Here is something to ponder,
Let's say you go on break and you hit the time button in your DIAD at 11:00am , 5 seconds later it changes to 11:01am (since the DIAD doesn't show seconds), you gave the company 0:55 seconds. Should you be reimbursed? Is that not "Stealing Time" but "Donating Time"?
The relevance was about time theft. I agree with the point of not having seconds for protective reasons.We are talking about stealing time. I raised a question above.
Here is something to ponder,
Let's say you go on break and you hit the time button in your DIAD at 11:00am , 5 seconds later it changes to 11:01am (since the DIAD doesn't show seconds), you gave the company 0:55 seconds. Should you be reimbursed? Is that not "Stealing Time" but "Donating Time"?
Well then what if someone hits the button to end their break at 11:15, and 5 seconds later it changes to 11:16, should the driver then give 55 seconds back to the company? Seconds aren't shown because common sense says it'll average out in the long run, but anyone with half a brain knows if seconds are shown people will take advantage of it and sit there waiting til the last possible second to hit the button.
This isn't really relevant to the conversation though, and if someone is actually being disciplined for going 1 mph under the speed limit management has that person in their sights for something. I can see drivers being questioned for 5-10 under or over the speed limit, but 1 mph under someone really doesn't like them if discipline is initiated.
driver told he is "stealing from company" if he continues to drive 54 in a 55 zone in a feeder truck.
the converse, then , is true. most of our feeder drivers drive 59-60 in California which is a 55 zone for trucks. this is "stealing" too. they use more fuel, wear out tires and brakes faster, cause more wear and tear , by going faster. but they are never spoken to.
we have had four drivers fired for stealing time. 2 got their jobs back but 2 did not.
but if you use one of those brown UPS pens off duty you are "stealing" too. if you pick up a screw off the company grounds you are stealing. if you talk to a buddy about the NBA finals on company time. supervisors watch you-tube videos on company time. there are hundreds of examples.
the hypocrisy makes me sick.
adjusting for changing conditions. just saying.Assuming ideal weather and traffic conditions driving 54 in a 55 would be impeding traffic. Just sayin'.
I always think of their other speeding rule.
The OP is talking about Feeder drivers. When I'm on an open highway, I drive on cruise control. I'm sure we all do, because it's pretty hard to keep a tractor trailer at a constant speed. And I always have it set a little under, because any little downgrade the rest of you don't even notice causes that big rig to speed up.
Instead of watching other drivers stand around waiting to punch out. You need to punch out yourself and immediately proceed to the marked exit of building.Do me a favor----you drive on any part of 95 or 295 doing 54 and tell me what kind of reaction you get.
I find it odd that the drivers in question chose to go just 1 mph under the posted limit (again, based on ideal conditions). We have drivers who will stand by the exit with their DIADs in their hands waiting until they are one click over 9.5 to punch out. IMO both actions have no purpose other than to send a message.
Instead of watching other drivers stand around waiting to punch out. You need to punch out yourself and immediately proceed to the marked exit of building.
OK---hadn't thought of that---didn't even realize cruise was an option in those things. Still, with that being said, don't you find it a bit odd that he is running exactlly 1 mph under the posted limit for an extended period of time?