Driver Told He Is Stealing If Drives 54 MPH in A 55 MPH Zone

Once I am a acclimated with the equipment, there is no number. If I feel traffic is going too fast, I am asking management's permission to get off the highway, and I will explain why (however, I don't know of many stretches in this country where the flow is 75+). Call me crazy, but then drive north of the border and see what the flow is like, or maybe the open roads of Tx and Montana.

You're not going to catch me doing 75+ here, really not even high 60's, as the flow is generally 60-63. However, it is a real unsettling feeling when something big blows by you at 7+mph faster, as some of the larger vehicular traffic will if you are doing 55, or even just below 60, where conditions permit the flow to travel faster.

So.....................that number is? Hypothetically. Pretend you are driving in IL where the limit is 55.
Whatever they are doing

They? Which they? The responsible drivers or the lemmings? They talk on their phones too. Don't use their signals. Weave through traffic.

It's interesting how you base the limits of what you consider to be safe on the actions of others. When you screw up better hope THEY will be there for you.

If you really know how to drive it's a simple answer.


Well-Known Member
I'll take a rookie feeder driver acting like they have a million miles on the side of safety over a rookie feeder driver that thinks he's going to be the next best thing to sliced bread because he was a hotdog in package.

No disagreement here if it is truly on the side of safety. If someone makes a goodwill effort to post their opinion, I will take it under consideration. If I have a different point of view, I might take the time to respond to it, without disparaging someone because they are a package car driver or a member of management.

Getting back to the original post, I don't believe that driving 54 is stealing time. In all likelihood, they are sending a message. If driving 54 is "safer" than driving 55, why not be really safe, and back it down to 50? If they are sending a message, you can be sure that management can hear it loud and clear. If he/she is going to play that game, they had better be prepared to have a giant target on their backs--They won't get fired for driving slow, but everything they do will be scrutinized. I could not work that way...

Yes, the speed limit is the law, and if you don't want to go over it, that is fine. There are many factors that influence how fast I drive--Sometimes I feel more comfortable going under the limit and other times I will drive a few miles over. If it is a sunny day on a light traffic stretch of interstate, I will set the cruise at the speed limit, and enjoy the ride. If I am in an area with heavy traffic and lots of other trucks, the cruise goes off. It may not be possible to keep up with the flow of traffic, but I will increase my speed enough within reason, to try to maintain a space cushion. Space cushion is number one, without totally disregarding my speed. It is less stressful than having to constantly make adjustments. Each time you are cut off, you have no space cushion. If it is a construction zone, I NEVER go over the speed limit. BTW--I have been in construction zones on Int 94, where trucks were cleary instructed to stay in a specific lane, because of the lack of a shoulder. I have had other trucks blow by me like I was standing still. It is not just cars that we are dealing with out there.

If you want a number, in ideal conditions, I feel comfortable at 60mph. I will drive faster or slower, depending on conditions. Every driver is different, and it is everyone's own decision how fast or slow they choose to drive. I think some drivers are just a little disingenuous in what they do or don't do, in the name of safety. I was in Feeders for 29 years, Circle of Honor member, with 34 total years Safe Driving. I never received a ticket, and I was never spoken to about how fast or slow I chose to drive.
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No disagreement here if it is truly on the side of safety. If someone makes a goodwill effort to post their opinion, I will take it under consideration. If I have a different point of view, I might take the time to respond to it, without disparaging someone because they are a package car driver or a member of management.

Getting back to the original post, I don't believe that driving 54 is stealing time. In all likelihood, they are sending a message. If driving 54 is "safer" than driving 55, why not be really safe, and back it down to 50? If they are sending a message, you can be sure that management can hear it loud and clear. If he/she is going to play that game, they had better be prepared to have a giant target on their backs--They won't get fired for driving slow, but everything they do will be scrutinized. I could not work that way...

Yes, the speed limit is the law, and if you don't want to go over it, that is fine. There are many factors that influence how fast I drive--Sometimes I feel more comfortable going under the limit and other times I will drive a few miles over. If it is a sunny day on a light traffic stretch of interstate, I will set the cruise at the speed limit, and enjoy the ride. If I am in an area with heavy traffic and lots of other trucks, the cruise goes off. It may not be possible to keep up with the flow of traffic, but I will increase my speed enough within reason, to try to maintain a space cushion. Space cushion is number one, without totally disregarding my speed. It is less stressful than having to constantly make adjustments. Each time you are cut off, you have no space cushion. If it is a construction zone, I NEVER go over the speed limit. BTW--I have been in construction zones on Int 94, where trucks were cleary instructed to stay in a specific lane, because of the lack of a shoulder. I have had other trucks blow by me like I was standing still. It is not just cars that we are dealing with out there.

If you want a number, in ideal conditions, I feel comfortable at 60mph. I will drive faster or slower, depending on conditions. Every driver is different, and it is everyone's own decision how fast or slow they choose to drive. I think some drivers are just a little disingenuous in what they do or don't do, in the name of safety. I was in Feeders for 29 years, Circle of Honor member, with 34 total years Safe Driving. I never received a ticket, and I was never spoken to about how fast or slow I chose to drive.

The real basis is a driver being disciplined for driving 54 in a 55. It doesn't hold water. It wasnt for 40 in a 55 but under some conditions that's the best they'll get. In our local we are all city driving. Run a load to the rail yard at 2am and its 55 the whole way baring weather. Try it at 8am and it could be from 5 to 55. BUT irregardless what "they" and "the flow" are doing the max is 55. Are there those that feel the need or want to go faster, sure. But don't look for sympathy when luck runs out and they get walked for a crash that the damning evidence, first pulled, will be that data showing him speeding.


Well-Known Member
The real basis is a driver being disciplined for driving 54 in a 55. It doesn't hold water. It wasnt for 40 in a 55 but under some conditions that's the best they'll get. In our local we are all city driving. Run a load to the rail yard at 2am and its 55 the whole way baring weather. Try it at 8am and it could be from 5 to 55. BUT irregardless what "they" and "the flow" are doing the max is 55. Are there those that feel the need or want to go faster, sure. But don't look for sympathy when luck runs out and they get walked for a crash that the damning evidence, first pulled, will be that data showing him speeding.

I hear you and accept your points, with the exception of the guy driving 54 in a 55. There has to be a lot more to the story than what has been posted so far...


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Dracula, it is the same principle for anyone who follows the methods in driving: you slow down to maintain your cushion. Methods change, but the principle is the same. A package car ain't a feeder, but it isn't a regular vehicle, neither. Neither is an air-braked equipped vehicle; I've driven both. You adjust, then you move on. I'd like to ask you if you understand what, "going with the flow of traffic" means, if you seriously just typed "you cannot maintain a space cushion going with the flow"; if everyone is doing the same speed, once you have initially set up your space cushion it will not change, save for minor adjustments. Of course everyone doesn't go the same speed, but just as in a package car, you let up off gas (maybe give trucks a little brake, since they need more to slow down), let cushion re-establish itself, and continue on. Only problem is when you are overtaking vehicles, which means you are going too fast, or not with the flow.

I can't listen to anyone who seriously touts the highway speed limit as an issue of safety, since the facts are out there to know better. Also knowing how UPS discipline works, a driver isn't going to get fired for going 54 mph on one bright blue sunny day; he is going to be told repeatedly he needs to speed up, and it is no where near the same as telling someone to run across a multi-lane highway, or jump off a bridge, or ride with a doughnut tire at speeds over 55mph. Come to the aid of this "brother" if you want, but sometimes you gotta know when to call family out.

And just because someone drives over the limit doesn't mean they must be drafting off you; you can drive over the limit using the habits, as millions of truck drivers do, which is why those who fight when mgmt says speed up can get in hot water.

And you won't find me in a ditch somewhere, or under your rear axle, or being mopped up as a puddle after a horrific accident on the interstate; the methods work, and "obey the speed limit" isn't one of em. "Maintain cushion on all four sides", that is, and it is kinda hard to do when you are going significantly slower than everyone else.

I'm well aware of what going with the flow of traffic means. It means running with busy traffic. You don't go with the flow in the middle of the night or when there is few vehicles on the road. I can set a space cushion when there is little traffic. But when traffic is heavier, aka, going with the flow, your space cushion is very large. In heavier traffic, particularly on a interstate with two lanes in each direction, you always have other vehicles changing lanes in front of you. ALWAYS. And so, it is a constant case of braking or getting off the gas. If you keep a proper following distance to the vehicle in front of you, this becomes a continual cycle. Set distance, someone gets in front of you, reset distance, someone else gets in front of you, etc.

It sounds like you don't drive on the big roads with a safe following distance. You wouldn't be alone. Everyday on the interstate, during heavy traffic, I would be surprised if 5% of traffic has a safe distance from the vehicle in front of them. And your 'flow of traffic' always looks like a line in a NASCAR race during busy traffic. What I see as a safe following distance, is an opportunity for an open lane for the rest of traffic in front of me. And back to the cycle.

And your axiom of high speed is safe speed, up to a point. If you are on the road by yourself, in a vehicle capable of safe high speeds, sure. But if you have other vehicles on the road with you, and you have to nail the brakes, simple physics says you're wrong. The faster you are going, the longer it takes to stop. There are no exceptions to this rule. Even if you are in a high performance car, it's still true. Also, the feeder department handed out a flier talking about reaction time in braking. It said, on average, it take .75 a second to recognize a hazard, and another .75 second for your foot to hit the brake pedal. So, if you were going 70 MPH, that means you will have traveled 143 feet BEFORE your brakes are even applied. Add the actual braking distance to that, and well, you better hope you've got that safe following distance going for you.

So, go ahead, put the hammer down if you want, but expect resistance from drivers who prioritize safety with your arguments to 'speed up'. Do what you want in your personal car. Hell, do what you want in your package car, if you're in that much of a hurry, but you might want to keep in mind the advice some of the circle of honor drivers told us: you're one accident away from losing your job at UPS.


Well-Known Member
I went through a similar situation years ago in package. While I'm driving, the pkg sup gets out of his seat and is in the middle, standing, looking at the speedo. all along yelling, "55, go 55"! over and over. I was hovering, and that was that. We had a grievance, an nothing is done, just as today. But it's different today. We all know safety doesn't mean crap at UPS. But we also know, UPS is doing whatever they want. There is no one watching them. Let's face it. Even if you could do the impossible, and hold a steady 55, they would discipline you in another way if you don't produce the correct numbers. Although, if you ever wanted to take a case pass the grievance procedure, and into the courtroom. This would probably be the case to take! How is this going to play in front of a jury? Probably your only move is to write a grievance stating your being forced my the company to maximize your speed at ALL TIMES. If ever there was an accident of serious injury (doesn't have to be you) make sure this DOCUMENTATION appears. Could help someone win some big money! You grieve this crap not to win, but to slap them later with it.


Phoenix Feeder
I went through a similar situation years ago in package. While I'm driving, the pkg sup gets out of his seat and is in the middle, standing, looking at the speedo. all along yelling, "55, go 55"! over and over. I was hovering, and that was that. We had a grievance, an nothing is done, just as today. But it's different today. We all know safety doesn't mean crap at UPS. But we also know, UPS is doing whatever they want. There is no one watching them. Let's face it. Even if you could do the impossible, and hold a steady 55, they would discipline you in another way if you don't produce the correct numbers. Although, if you ever wanted to take a case pass the grievance procedure, and into the courtroom. This would probably be the case to take! How is this going to play in front of a jury? Probably your only move is to write a grievance stating your being forced my the company to maximize your speed at ALL TIMES. If ever there was an accident of serious injury (doesn't have to be you) make sure this DOCUMENTATION appears. Could help someone win some big money! You grieve this crap not to win, but to slap them later with it.

I would have locked up the brakes.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
4-6 under 30...........6-8 over 30.and Im sure a lot more for a feeder!!!!!!!What a pile of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agree, they are just looking for any reason to fire us drivers..If they can not find us failing to work by the proper methods, recite the 10 point commentary, etc. they will become very creative on their reasons for termination. I feel it will only get worse with time.. They want us to work by the methods but if we do, then it WILL no matter what they say, take longer to do the job. And us feeder drivers, know (not my supervisor who has NEVER driven a tractor trailer accept for when he was going thru feeder school, then feeder mgmt school) that we must leave extra room in front of us because on a daily basis cars are pulling in front of us like they are on a NASCAR track.. If I am on the big road and the speed limit is 55, I will most likely keep it at 53-54 for SAFETY reasons.. They preach safety, but also talk out both sides of their mouths ! I hope the drivers who were terminated file a law suit and get this to court. That is what I would do, and I would drain my 401 K and other investments if I had to. I would love for the general public to know how these Nazi managers run this company !
I went through a similar situation years ago in package. While I'm driving, the pkg sup gets out of his seat and is in the middle, standing, looking at the speedo. all along yelling, "55, go 55"! over and over. I was hovering, and that was that. We had a grievance, an nothing is done, just as today. But it's different today. We all know safety doesn't mean crap at UPS. But we also know, UPS is doing whatever they want. There is no one watching them. Let's face it. Even if you could do the impossible, and hold a steady 55, they would discipline you in another way if you don't produce the correct numbers. Although, if you ever wanted to take a case pass the grievance procedure, and into the courtroom. This would probably be the case to take! How is this going to play in front of a jury? Probably your only move is to write a grievance stating your being forced my the company to maximize your speed at ALL TIMES. If ever there was an accident of serious injury (doesn't have to be you) make sure this DOCUMENTATION appears. Could help someone win some big money! You grieve this crap not to win, but to slap them later with it.

No grievance needed. A quick tap of the brakes. A sad look on your face when the cops show up. Time for a new sup.


Well-Known Member
I would have locked up the brakes.
funny you should say that. there is more to this story. I did end up getting fired, and I think it was for exactly that. I thought I seen a vehicle in my path, and had to hit the brakes fairly hard. the supervisor promptly returned to his seat. but we had another meeting where it was mentioned that I may have seriously hurt the sup. they didn't drive on it, by I did get fired for approximately two weeks. I suspect it was because of that, but not officially for that. he went right into the windshield!