No disagreement here if it is truly on the side of safety. If someone makes a goodwill effort to post their opinion, I will take it under consideration. If I have a different point of view, I might take the time to respond to it, without disparaging someone because they are a package car driver or a member of management.
Getting back to the original post, I don't believe that driving 54 is stealing time. In all likelihood, they are sending a message. If driving 54 is "safer" than driving 55, why not be really safe, and back it down to 50? If they are sending a message, you can be sure that management can hear it loud and clear. If he/she is going to play that game, they had better be prepared to have a giant target on their backs--They won't get fired for driving slow, but everything they do will be scrutinized. I could not work that way...
Yes, the speed limit is the law, and if you don't want to go over it, that is fine. There are many factors that influence how fast I drive--Sometimes I feel more comfortable going under the limit and other times I will drive a few miles over. If it is a sunny day on a light traffic stretch of interstate, I will set the cruise at the speed limit, and enjoy the ride. If I am in an area with heavy traffic and lots of other trucks, the cruise goes off. It may not be possible to keep up with the flow of traffic, but I will increase my speed enough within reason, to try to maintain a space cushion. Space cushion is number one, without totally disregarding my speed. It is less stressful than having to constantly make adjustments. Each time you are cut off, you have no space cushion. If it is a construction zone, I NEVER go over the speed limit. BTW--I have been in construction zones on Int 94, where trucks were cleary instructed to stay in a specific lane, because of the lack of a shoulder. I have had other trucks blow by me like I was standing still. It is not just cars that we are dealing with out there.
If you want a number, in ideal conditions, I feel comfortable at 60mph. I will drive faster or slower, depending on conditions. Every driver is different, and it is everyone's own decision how fast or slow they choose to drive. I think some drivers are just a little disingenuous in what they do or don't do, in the name of safety. I was in Feeders for 29 years, Circle of Honor member, with 34 total years Safe Driving. I never received a ticket, and I was never spoken to about how fast or slow I chose to drive.