It is a case of 0bama's debt and spending numbers are higher than they have ever been are the unemployment numbers. Look at the bottom line, if you can see that high.
Go on and keep using the fuzzy math with made up numbers all you want, this country is in dire straights and your president is playing freakin games. He really likes to criticize the speaker of walking out on the talks a few days ago, but everyone(on the left) conveniently forget that 0 walked out of talks a couple of weeks ago. Your man is playing re-election campaign tricks with OUR economy and the leftest puppets refuse to see. That IS the case.
Its amazing how focused republicans are this time around with spending. Under Reagan, he raised the debt limits over and over running up 3.7 trillion in debt and walked out without it being paid, he stole from social security to pay other bills and YOU ALL are cool with that.
Bush 1 did the same and stole from social security to pay down the enormous debt he raised and YOU ALL are cool with that.
BUSH2 raised the debt limit 9 times, stole from social security, started 2 wars that still go unpaid, passed a prescription drug bill of a half trillion that is unpaid, crashed wall street, crashed the housing market, crashed unemployment, crashed everyones 401K, exported over 11 million jobs and YOU ALL are cool with it.
What impact do you think the 8 years of the BUSH2 administrations failures have in todays economy? How long do you think this impact extends into this new administration? Reagan was still blaming Carter 4 years into his presidency.
The president is making clear sense. The top 1% pay a share of the burden and the repubicans can cut medicare, social security and every other social program they want, but to be balanced, the top 1% needs to go back to the tax rates of the Clinton Administration.
Under 8 years of BUSH2, and with those same beloved tax cuts for the top 1%, NO JOBS WERE CREATED. Those tax cuts drove the debt UPWARDS 3.5 trillion dollars.
The extension of those tax cuts for 2 years added another 800 billion dollars to the current deficit. If they are extended again, those same tax cuts will add another 3 trillion dollars over 10 years.
The republicans are clearly holding the american economy hostage to protect those tax cuts. At all costs, they will protect those cuts even if it means defaulting.
They would rather see all americans impacted with higher interest rates from everything from credit cards to home loans. This is inevitable. This isnt about social security checks, this is about an immediate increase in our interests rates on everything we have on credit and that amounts to an instant tax increase on every single american.
Once that happens, the economy will freefall once again and a new recession will hit our country and the world. This time, another recession will crash the stock market and wipe out whatever 401k programs remain, run gas prices up to 150 a barrel and 5.50 a gallon at the pumps, cause unemployment to rise to levels unseen since the great depression and put our country in jeopardy.
And for what? Republican politics?
We are a nation, and this nation needs to work as a team to keep the future bright. Deliberately attempting to kill the country's economy just to gain some leverage in next years election and make every american pay for it is a ridiculous tactic.
The hardest hit will be the elderly, the rest of us are young enough to survive, but seniors who are about to see huge cut in their social security, medicare to the tune of 6%. This will devastate them, yet the republicans continue to say they are helping them out.
Give me a break.