Who's plan the gunrunning operation was will never be known. Very unlikely it was Obama himself but most likely someone high up in his administration. Gunrunning weapons to terrorists was a very bad (and illegal) operation - hence the secrecy. Obama should have come clean about details instead of deception to protect the guilty. That was what the outrage was about. Lies and cover up. That report blamed intelligence for false statements but that did not address or excuse the continued obstructions and cover ups.
Still with the fox news lies and distortions. The bengazi report clears the administration of any wrongdoing, yet you still call them liars. Is it hard to accept reality? Is it really that hard to let go of a phoney scandal and accept that you were sold a bunch of crapp for months on end only to find out that none of it was remotely true?
As for the gun running. Are you serious? You asked "Who's plan the gunrunning operation was will never be known"
The answer to that has been known since 2004 and George W. Bush with operation "wide reciever".
Again, another right wing hoax that they used to exploit the deaths of a border agent for political gain knowing NOTHING would come out of hearings.
Bengazi was nothing more than a exploitation news event designed to assign false blame to the president and his administration.
As the report concludes, the Obama administration did nothing wrong.
Of course, we know, In your mind, due to the constant pounding of talking head distortions, you will never accept it.
Sad for you.