Retired 23 years
Hopefully you understand ( am I am sure you dont) that "third" party hearsay is completely worthless, right?
Some guy, overheard a one sided conversation of another guy on the phone without having access to the other person on the other end?
I dont rely on third party information to render a judgement on ROOF..
I read his manifesto, I posted it on this thread.
From his own words I can draw the conclusions that he is a piece of white trash unworthy of respect. His family receives the same level of respect for raising this little dirtbag.
Like you, he too thought the confederate flag was cool, and white supremacy the rule of law. Like you, he hated minorities and jews, and unlike you, he had the balls to try and do something about it, allbeit, a completely ridiculous idea.
At least he wasnt afraid or hide his hate.
This is what he was raised to be. His parents allowed him to drop out of school, fail most of his classes, depend on drugs and finally, arm him with a deadly weapon.
This combination of stupidity is all to common amongst the white trash society.
Hopefully, this brings some insight to your level of thinking.
Isn't everything you post just your "3rd party opinion"? Everyone is entitled to his opinion---yours is just one more and that don't make it always right---although once in a blue moon (very very seldom) I do agree with you.