So the gov't will be posting a medical professional at every gun shop to evaluate every person who wished to purchase a gun ?
In Israel, you can only buy a pistol and 50 rounds of ammo. You must complete a full background check with plenty of disqualifiers, you must complete a full mental evaluation with plenty of disqualifiers and you must take a training class EVERY THREE YEARS.
In this case, we have a disturbed white teenager with a criminal record, a high school dropout, a product of a RACISM home, a victim of his angry white parents who held "strong conservative" values and raised to HATE.
Despite this animals history of being a loser, and the typical white trash dropout that plagues the south, his parents thought it a great idea to give him a .45 caliber pistol for his birthday, because thats how "normal" people behave.
Responsibility rests with not only this animal, but his parents for supplying the gun.
The father should have to face ONE YEAR in prison for every person killed.
This kind of racism is not something you pick up over the weekend. Its a generational teaching that comes from parents, grandparents, cousins and sibblings. This kid was raised in a household that hated blacks.
The judge who just arraigned this animal, asked everyone to give the animals parents "help"...
SCREW that family. It was that family that created this monster. It was that Family that raised him in a household of HATRED towards blacks.
The last thing I am ever going to give his family is any respect, or sympathy.
The only thing I want to see is this kid killed by the death penalty and his parents punished for raising such a violent animal.
This country needs to limit who gets guns, and every person who wants to have a gun must complete a full background check which includes children and full mental evaluation long before a gun gets in someones hands.
This process must be repeated every three years.
The right wing of this country is creating people worst than ISIS terrorists.
Today, you see this animal in court, and you see the face of the real terrorists that americans need to worry about.