employees reviewing their jobs


Well-Known Member
The problem is, it's beyond fixing. There isn't a single thing that we can do. There will always be a corrupt official, the government is to powerful. No matter what we vote on or fight it is out of our hands. Event he whole gun situation, all these people who stock pile weapons, it doesn't matter. Several thousand rednecks with shotguns can't do anything to an elite force. So I'm going to sit here and ride the ride until we crash and burn.

your right the gun owners will not stop a totalitarian government.

but your otherwise wrong and to quote ralph nader: (change) is easier than you think.

u only need 1% of the population doing some kind of organizing to begin reform or revolution


To be the man, you gotta beat the man.
your right the gun owners will not stop a totalitarian government.

but your otherwise wrong and to quote ralph nader: (change) is easier than you think.

u only need 1% of the population doing some kind of organizing to begin reform or revolution
No I'm not wrong. No matter what you do, or who you vote in, they will promise change. Instead you get the same thing. It might not be sudden but it will happen. The same people who you put in power will do the same thing the people before them did. It's just a cycle. The only thing way anything would change is if a nation falls, then another form of power takes over. It will start off with good intentions but will always end up with corrupt officials.


Strength through joy
If as you mention we are all stupid , then logically only those who accept a gov't handout are smart . Until us stupid people stop paying taxes and the smart ones riot when the gov't stops all the free handouts for lack of funds .


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Is this one yours, Ricky?


Well-Known Member
No I'm not wrong. No matter what you do, or who you vote in, they will promise change. Instead you get the same thing. It might not be sudden but it will happen. The same people who you put in power will do the same thing the people before them did. It's just a cycle. The only thing way anything would change is if a nation falls, then another form of power takes over. It will start off with good intentions but will always end up with corrupt officials.

i agree most presidential candidates are like that. dennis kucinich was a democrat and wasnt allowed into one of the debates in 2008. for some reason they let ron paul debate, but thats probably because his economic policy is so god awful for average joes and wonderful for corporations, despite his amazing forgien policy. yes i agree most people in power are mediocre or terrible.

but you have various struggles over time like the labor movement, civil rights, womens rights, gay rights where people organize and have slow reform or revolution.

so i think your wrong about change.


Well-Known Member
If as you mention we are all stupid , then logically only those who accept a gov't handout are smart . Until us stupid people stop paying taxes and the smart ones riot when the gov't stops all the free handouts for lack of funds .

i didnt say u all are, just the guy with the dog in the picture, and oldngray. dog guy doesnt even read, most of his posts are pictures with a few words. says something.

dont you watch infowars? i dont completely agree with alex jones, but he does a lot of good. u cant be a total sheep if u watch that show.


When your bank says no, champion says YES
Rickb you are a cancer to this website, I think you'd like it in Syria, I heard Al Jazeera is hiring, boom, there ya go, instant employment


Well-Known Member

i used to live there briefly actually. NDG. quebec is the most european part of north america:

-they have the lowest college costs
-they have socialized day care
-they have highest unionization rate @ 40% (america is around 7% or something)
-they protest in the streets when their government does something they dont like

america and canada should take notes.


Well-Known Member
i was looking up reviews for cp rail and cn rail. reminder this is capitalism:

Isis is nothing compared to cn rail.
True evil in society.
Posted on 25 March 2016

Horrible company! Treat employees horribly and dont' even follow Canadian labour laws. No wonder there are so many train derailments. They over work their staff, then when there is an accident, they reprimand the employee that they forced to work over their 12 hour limit! It is a disgusting company full of horrible people. Why anyone would want to work for this wretched company is beyond me. Hide complete rating Posted on 9 March 2016

Any GOOD reviews you read about this company must be written by people paid by CN to specifically do so. This is one of the WORST companies you can ever give your life to. Literally and figuratively. Safety should come first in a transportation industry but this company has forgotten that.

There is zero work/family life balance. It is all about the shareholder's dollar profit. 40 recently hired and trained Mechanic Apprentices have just been laid off even thought this company has just posted BILLIONS of dollars profit!! Sound good to you?

Management is extremely hostile, aggressive, irrational. They threaten, intimidate and harass, often suspending or firing with little cause. Supervisors are told they MUST complete at least one "investigation" per day to find a fault with an employee - making their quota for their bonus $$$.

Employees with medical or health issues are frequently targeted and thought of as "the weak one in the herd" so if you have any issues expect to be harassed daily.

NOT a pleasant place to work. The stress and treatment will wear you down. Look elsewhere for employment if you value sanity and quality of life. It's become an unsafe company to work for.
Hide complete rating Posted on 1 March 2016


Well-Known Member
some employee reviews of CP rail. i think if you asked people do they want more centralized control of the economy they would say no and do you like capitalism they would say maybe, and on the other hand they hate their jobs. these were the first 2 reviews on this website; i didnt have to look hard.
