it has for everyone but the race baiters. I just want to have one day where I don't see a story where some crybaby tries to create a race based accusation.
do you realize that black America has evolved from a MLK bravely and quietly marching down the streets of injustice to a bunch of cry babies?
good for a repost then. you need some reality.
at some point you and the rest of black America has to come to terms with me.
I was a huge supporter of the civil rights movement, I was a big fan of MLK, I idiolized MLK and I was very upset when he was killed.
with that said your civil rights movment has lost me because of all the self serving race baiters. you have lost a lot of white America because of these self serving race baiters who create race issues to keep race on the front burner.
black America is losing its white support not because of white nationalism but because you have soiled the cause.