Epstein's List


Well-Known Member
Was funny watching everyone post memes of Kash with lasers coming out of his eyes.

Epstein was killed in a federal prison while Trump was President.

The attorney general investigating was Bill Barr, whose father was the first person to hire Epstein, teaching at a school. The same father wrote sci fi books about sex slaves

Trump was great friends with Epstein and partied with him dozens of times, Epstein said he introduced to Melania by him, Trump flew on his plane many times and said this about him

“I’ve known Jeff [Epstein] for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York magazine in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

These are all facts


Well-Known Member
I don’t know what’s more bizarre at at this point the fact that no one is shocked that this happened or the fact that we have a government that seemed indifferent or complicit for a couple decades about what these powerful men were doing? There have been jokes about the Lolita express for 20+ years. And it turns out it’s not just a joke.
you look at this , pdiddy and the previous rumors about hollywood abusing kids and there appears to be a sickness amonst the elites that never gets prosecuted.


Well-Known Member


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Well it looks like another “tomorrow” has come and gone and still nothing of real importance from the Epstein list. Starting to look like business as usual.


Well-Known Member
“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York magazine in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

He was so comfortable with it he was almost rubbing it in our faces

Then Epstein dies under his watch in a federal prison while he’s president. Not a coincidence


Well-Known Member
Ya Trump was so comfortable with it he banned Epstein from his hotels and worked with the lawyer of Epstein's victims to bring him to justice.

Do you even actually believe the stupid narratives you spew?
Here is that same lawyers most recent statement regarding trump

"Over the next few years, I spoke to several witnesses who told us that they had been introduced by Epstein to Trump. Some had seen him at Epstein's office, others at one of Epstein's homes, at parties or social events, and even on his plane. In fact, Epstein bragged to certain young women in his life about how he had bailed Trump out of bankruptcy and how he was indebted to him.

"Last year, I saw a 1992 video of Epstein and Trump together, suggesting that they were closer social friends than I had been made to understand."
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Well-Known Member
Trump then hired Alex Acosta to work for him in the White House, the same attorney who gave Epstein his “sweetheart deal”

“Back in 2007, Acosta, who was then a U.S. attorney, oversaw a plea agreement that gave Epstein immunity from federal prosecution and allowed him to plead guilty to lesser state charges. At the time, Epstein was accused of sexually abusing young girls.”


Inordinately Right
Here is that same lawyers most recent statement regarding trump

"Over the next few years, I spoke to several witnesses who told us that they had been introduced by Epstein to Trump. Some had seen him at Epstein's office, others at one of Epstein's homes, at parties or social events, and even on his plane. In fact, Epstein bragged to certain young women in his life about how he had bailed Trump out of bankruptcy and how he was indebted to him.

"Last year, I saw a 1992 video of Epstein and Trump together, suggesting that they were closer social friends than I had been made to understand."
So you're fully aware that Trump banned Epstein from his hotels and worked with the lawyer of Epstein's victims to bring him to justice....

....and yet you continue to post stupid fake narratives. Because you're a liar.

Carry on Harry.


Well-Known Member
you look at this , pdiddy and the previous rumors about hollywood abusing kids and there appears to be a sickness amonst the elites that never gets prosecuted.

I don't know if "sickness" is quite the right word for this. Maybe nonsensical is better.

There are some people that are very attracted to rarity for rarities sake. Some examples of this are coin, stamp, and sports card collectors. People pay alot of money for useless things simply because of it's rarity. Another example is rare experiences. Such as merrily paying lotsa money to jump into a deathtrap submarine designed and piloted by a lunatic just to look at the Titanic. FFS it's just a rusty, old ship!

There are also those that are very attracted to things or activities simply because they are forbidden or illegal. Some people get a big thrill simply for 'getting away' with something. Those same kinds of people are quite randy to risk everything just to have forbidden, illegal sex with a 17yo. And then those same people are flaccid about doing the exact same thing with an equally (or more attractive) 18yo!

I think maybe it all just boils down to a bragging rights power trip.