Well-Known Member
Or, Did you know Caitlyn Jenner was once a great male athlete??This country will always be divided. Its history is based on it. Remember when the Black guy was voted into the office of President of the United States of America? Do you know how much thatoff many bigoted poor whites? They know the kinds of road blocks this country has set up for minorities and still this Black became President? Some of those very same hateful people sit in their squalor shameful that someone like that, and quite frankly, any minorities with money, could rise and at the same time making them feel less better. I've spent some time in the south and the ideal of someone thinking their better than you is really a thing. Not "good for him" or "good for her" but they think they're better than us. I hate to break it to you but racism exists in America. You've lived in the south, so don't play as if you haven't cross paths with people who own bed sheets with two eye holes cut out. Alabama, Black guy was invited by his progressive white friend. The white friend had some family in the area. This was maybe 7 years ago. They sit in this little diner. No service. The white guy calls over a staff member. Staff asks if they see anyone in here that looks like him, pointing to the Black friend. They didn't understand. A old guy from a table says, "You remember when King and your people tried to cross the bridge? Well, we were the ones to push'em back to the other side. Yes, Alive and well in America. And here we go again with the KKK was a creation of the Democrat party. Did you know Jack Daniels whiskey was invented by a Black Slave? But that doesn't mean anything today does it? Or, Did you know Caitlyn Jenner was once a great male athlete?? Things change and what once was is no longer. Ask anyone today what party David Duke, Richard Spencer, ALt Right or anyone hate group are a part of and you will not hear Democrat.
As far as Russia, we will see. Mueller has been working hard to find the truth and whatever he finds I'll except.
Now he's just a penis-less man.