Fat Gal Violates Airline Dress Policy, Gets Removed From Flight, Then Plays The Fat/Race Card


Inordinately Right
Yep, again this kind of hatred is the core of republican ideology. Saying no one should have to see someone out in public they find disgusting..... Is hardcore authoritarian. Who gets to decide whose disgusting? Oh that's right the superior, normal, white, christian, etc type of people get to decide who is or isn't disgusting to look at in public and they get to treat those disgusting people badly if they want. This kind of sickness drives republican policy preferences. They believe that certain people deserve to be disrespected and treated badly. It is very poisonous.
Cool deranged rant bro.
Back in reality:

Fat people are gross.
They should not go out in public in their underwear.

Those are not controversial statements.


Well-Known Member
Cool deranged rant bro.
Back in reality:

Fat people are gross.
They should not go out in public in their underwear.

Those are not controversial statements.
What's deranged is posting people shouldn't have to see people they think are disgusting out in public. Who gets to decide who is disgusting and deserving being treated badly? Again this idea that certain groups sit in judgment of others that they think are lesser and those sitting in judgment shouldn't have to see people they think are disgusting in public is peak repulican authoritarianism. There is no down playing that sickness at the core of republican political ideology.


Well-Known Member
Lol Yep, no hatred calling people whales who deserve to be mistreated. This is the core of republican ideology. The belief that certain not normal people need to be ostracized made fun of and mistreated. Is extremely important to the republican world view. It is a sickness.
Watch a lot of MSNBC, huh?


Well-Known Member
It's hateful and cruel for canada to pump dirty oil. No one should have to see that.
That dirty oil lies next to the world's largest economy. Be thankful for your natural resources. When the rest of the world is clamoring over what's left elsewhere Canada will have a reliable partner to keep it prosperous.


Well-Known Member
No I listen to republicans say what matters to them.
Really? Well this Republican is furious that Biden left Americans and allies in Afghanistan and his administration is greatly hindering rescue efforts by private citizens who have planes on the ground there now. That's what matters to me. Now you'll come back with I don't care about them at all. To which I'll respond now, shove it up your ass dip:censored2:.


Well-Known Member
Really? Well this Republican is furious that Biden left Americans and allies in Afghanistan and his administration is greatly hindering rescue efforts by private citizens who have planes on the ground there now. That's what matters to me. Now you'll come back with I don't care about them at all. To which I'll respond now, shove it up your ass dip:censored2:.
Ok, I don't believe you, but that's irrelevant. Afghanistan won't be a story in two months at all.
In this thread, self identified republicans are in favor of denigrating and insulting people based on their appearance. One self identified republican posted that "people" shouldn't have to see disgusting people outside...... Again I know you don't want to deal with the ugliness and the authoritarianism at the core of republican ideology, but its there for anyone to see. And this belief that some groups of people deserve to be mistreated on their physical characteristics, or ethnic identity or gender is core to republican ideology.


Inordinately Right
What's deranged is posting people shouldn't have to see people they think are disgusting out in public. Who gets to decide who is disgusting and deserving being treated badly? Again this idea that certain groups sit in judgment of others that they think are lesser and those sitting in judgment shouldn't have to see people they think are disgusting in public is peak repulican authoritarianism.
You think I'm an authoritarian racist because I said people should have to wear clothes on airplanes.

Your sick political ideology has warped your mind to the point where you can no longer think rationally.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I don't believe you, but that's irrelevant. Afghanistan won't be a story in two months at all.
In this thread, self identified republicans are in favor of denigrating and insulting people based on their appearance. One self identified republican posted that "people" shouldn't have to see disgusting people outside...... Again I know you don't want to deal with the ugliness and the authoritarianism at the core of republican ideology, but its there for anyone to see. And this belief that some groups of people deserve to be mistreated on their physical characteristics, or ethnic identity or gender is core to republican ideology.
Excuse me, but Democrats constantly judge people by who they are. Y'all divide everyone with your identity politics. Play one group against another all the time. A clear example recently was referring to Larry Elder as "the black face of white supremacy." As if a vote for Elder was going to insure white supremacists run California. It's insanity that's harming the country.


Well-Known Member
Excuse me, but Democrats constantly judge people by who they are. Y'all divide everyone with your identity politics. Play one group against another all the time. A clear example recently was referring to Larry Elder as "the black face of white supremacy." As if a vote for Elder was going to insure white supremacists run California. It's insanity that's harming the country.
I am not a Democrat. Politics is all about identifying constituents based on who they are or their identity. Politicians discuss business owners, or farmers, or the middle class, or soccer moms, or blue collar voters, or college educated voters or etc. They say hey business owners tell me they want this or that policy, or to help middle class families, I support this policy or blue collar workers want to do this on trade policy etc and so on. Those are all group identities and politicans slice up those identities based on who they are and design policies help those groups. The reality is that being a woman or a man or a black American or a gay person or an immigrant or etc are also apart of people's political identities.

How do Democrats play groups against one another?

I barely remember Larry Elder, but what I do know about him from long ago is that he is anti-black. He has fully absorbed the message that there is something collectively wrong within the black race. So since the 1990's I was like that guy is an anti-black bigot. In terms of what the person who said that about him(if that really was said about him), I don't know and I don't care, but how does that pit one group against another? If a person thinks Larry Elder is racist against black people, isn't Larry Elder in their belief the one who is dividing people with identity politics when he says the anti black stuff he says?


Well-Known Member
I am not a Democrat. Politics is all about identifying constituents based on who they are or their identity. Politicians discuss business owners, or farmers, or the middle class, or soccer moms, or blue collar voters, or college educated voters or etc. They say hey business owners tell me they want this or that policy, or to help middle class families, I support this policy or blue collar workers want to do this on trade policy etc and so on. Those are all group identities and politicans slice up those identities based on who they are and design policies help those groups. The reality is that being a woman or a man or a black American or a gay person or an immigrant or etc are also apart of people's political identities.

How do Democrats play groups against one another?

I barely remember Larry Elder, but what I do know about him from long ago is that he is anti-black. He has fully absorbed the message that there is something collectively wrong within the black race. So since the 1990's I was like that guy is an anti-black bigot. In terms of what the person who said that about him(if that really was said about him), I don't know and I don't care, but how does that pit one group against another? If a person thinks Larry Elder is racist against black people, isn't Larry Elder in their belief the one who is dividing people with identity politics when he says the anti black stuff he says?
Then you don't know Larry Elder at all. His message is no matter who you are in this country you can have a good life if you apply yourself. I listened to his show a couple of months ago. Had a black police officer on recounting his experiences. Have seen Elder speak numerous times over the years on tv. He's nowhere near what you're saying. And for someone who claims he's not a Democrat you sure do spout the party line. And when politicians play one group against another, play on their worst fears, that's the poisonous identity politics of which I referred to, and no other party does that as much as the Democrats.


Well-Known Member
Then you don't know Larry Elder at all. His message is no matter who you are in this country you can have a good life if you apply yourself. I listened to his show a couple of months ago. Had a black police officer on recounting his experiences. Have seen Elder speak numerous times over the years on tv. He's nowhere near what you're saying. And for someone who claims he's not a Democrat you sure do spout the party line. And when politicians play one group against another, play on their worst fears, that's the poisonous identity politics of which I referred to, and no other party does that as much as the Democrats.
That's not his entire message from what I remember. Although to fair maybe he has changed. I remember that Larry Elder used to firmly believe in collective black racial pathology. He was fully on board with the belief that something is collectively wrong within the black race. He used to say that type of stuff all the time. Again, to me all Larry Elder and republicans in general do is engage in identity politics( hardly any republican public policies are popular with the public) because they have a clearly anti-black bigoted belief system.

Which elected Democrats in leadership say what I say? Who Biden? Obama? Nancy Pelosi? Chuck Schumer? Which Democratic governors sound like me? which senators? I think if you are honest, you'd have to admit none of them do.


Well-Known Member
That's not his entire message from what I remember. Although to fair maybe he has changed. I remember that Larry Elder used to firmly believe in collective black racial pathology. He was fully on board with the belief that something is collectively wrong within the black race. He used to say that type of stuff all the time. Again, to me all Larry Elder and republicans in general do is engage in identity politics( hardly any republican public policies are popular with the public) because they have a clearly anti-black bigoted belief system.

Which elected Democrats in leadership say what I say? Who Biden? Obama? Nancy Pelosi? Chuck Schumer? Which Democratic governors sound like me? which senators? I think if you are honest, you'd have to admit none of them do.
If that were true Democrats would be quoting him, playing past video of him saying such.


Well-Known Member
If that were true Democrats would be quoting him, playing past video of him saying such.
Why? Most democrats agree with the idea that there is something collectively wrong with the black race. This anti black belief is extremely popular.

I just did a quick search of Larry Elder; This is what he is up to right now
Larry Elder, a conservative Black politician in California, took the conversation on reparations to a new level when he said he believes the descendants of slave owners deserve compensation, too—not just Black people whose ancestors were captured and enslaved against their will.

I mean it doesn't get much more anti-black than standing up for the rights of the families of former slave owners getting reparations for owning than losing their enslaved "property" as he says it. Yeah he is still on the same bigoted nonsense


Well-Known Member
What a dishonest post.
No that honestly was may opinion on Larry Elder when paying attention to him in the 1990's. I thought this man is an anti black bigot who believes in collective black racial pathology. I literally have not paid attention or heard about the man until he started running for governor of Cali.