Father's Day...was it a good day?


Staff member

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
All the kid's are in town ,2 nice beach days on tap and a barbecue tomorrow.All is good in pop-pop land. If Phil can keep the lead @ Merion ?

Richard Harrow

I helped my father landscape his front yard in the morning, watched baseball the rest of the day with the kids. Taking a day trip into PA tomorrow.


Retired 23 years
I had a great Fathers Day. Went out to breakfast with the wife in the morning-got a call from the Daughter anf Grandkids in the afternoon- then I went and watched some great dirt track racing and drank some beer that night.


Fugitive From Reality
It was a great Father's Day weekend! Friends took me to a motorcycle rally Saturday. I had never been. They wouldn't let me pay for anything, and were referring to it as Dave's day. What a great day! What great friends!

Sunday I got up early & did tons of small projects around the house. Later, i went to a late afternoon movie with wife & kids.
Great weekend. I am thankful.
Pt Stewie, I had a similar soaking from my son when he was about 3. He had climbed up on the kitchen sink, turned the water on & was spraying the floor. When I told him to stop, he sprayed me right in the face. Couldn't help but laugh! Love that monkey.


Für Meno :)
Even though I was working 10 hrs yesterday on Father's Day - I loved it ! Soo much fun, still laughing about it :)