Tieguy, once again you let FACTS escape your arguments.
The republicans had control of the congress from 1992 thru 2006. They exploited the goverment bankrolls from 2000 thru 2006 until THEY were tossed out of office by the democrats in nov 2006. When that happened, the republicans passsed thru many big spending bills before they had to pack their offices and move out in january 2007.
The damage was already done to the country.
Please dont let this fact escape your poorly thought out points on goverment.
Obama was a part of a MINORITY with no power in either house.
The record speaks for itself. Try reading it.
As for Palin, your poster girl's career in politics has imploded. If she and bobby jindal are the best the republicans have to offer, then you wont see the republicans in the white house for 16 years.
I in particular like the way FAUX news compares her to Reagan, I agree, she is just as stupid as he was.