Do you have a point at all? Good thing there's not testing for management at UPS.
Do you have a point at all? Good thing there's not testing for management at UPS.
I disagree with you that it doesn't take much thought to disagree with something . To disagree on the basis of reason, especially when you are in the minority, takes more thought, I believe, than just nodding your head in agreement. But I see your point. As to what I DO believe, well, I believe in a lot of things. Evolution, for instance, as opposed to creationism. If you want to label me (and I suspect you do), freethinker or secular humanist come pretty close.So we know now what you dont beleive in and what you dont like. So tell us, what is it that you do believe in. It does not take much thought to disagree with something. But tell us, what is it you believe in?