Is tuition reimbursement applicable to those who payed school out of pockets - loans and out of pocket money? FAFSA paid for most of my tuition, but can I still get it reimbursed?
Is tuition reimbursement applicable to those who payed school out of pockets - loans and out of pocket money? FAFSA paid for most of my tuition, but can I still get it reimbursed?
Is tuition reimbursement applicable to those who payed school out of pockets - loans and out of pocket money? FAFSA paid for most of my tuition, but can I still get it reimbursed?
I think it's any college level courses or technical schools. Just make sure you pass the class or they won't reimburse. I passed 3 and failed 1 and they declined my reimbursement.
Is tuition reimbursement applicable to those who payed school out of pockets - loans and out of pocket money? FAFSA paid for most of my tuition, but can I still get it reimbursed?
My guess is not after the fact. I think it is a good guess also. If they would, I'd love to get payment for my education. A definite answer is no, after the fact. Prove me wrong please, I'll start my personal paperwork for reimbursement.