FedEx mounts big-money push to head off unionization by US workers


Happy Verified UPSer
So you were working 11 hours a day, 5 days a week? IDK if I would want to work that much. Retire 5 years early, but die 5 years early due to working your life away.
feeder. not that bad. I retired at age 58 in excellent health. I saw drivers in their 60's and close to 70 still working at jobs they really don't like , complaining all the time and the stress is slowly killing them and I'm shaking my head. they dug themselves a hole by buying up in a house or buying toys , or spending everything they make , or not preparing for retirement.

saw that since i was in my 20's and was determined not to be that person. now i have a hobby business part time that i love and can do whatever i want every day. it was all worth it.


Engorged Member
What are they grossing these days? Awhile back it was close to $60 Billion with almost half going to payroll. They have other fixed expenses too, like fuel. Jet fuel isn't cheap. So they pull out how much in profit? They're going to spend some of that profit on dividends. Some will be spent on acquisitions. Whatever they spend it on there won't be anywhere near enough to give you the kind of pay and benefits you want. A couple billion won't go nearly far enough when you have several hundred thousand employees or however many there are. You want to believe the worst because their poor behavior in the past reinforces that. But math is math. Show me the money.

Here's the real deal. Your Republican/Libertarian mindset is that unions are BAD. Even when FedEx was extremely profitable, you were whining and commiserating with poor Fred that unionization would "kill" FedEx.

What got killed during the good days were your Traditional Pension, Shift Differential etc., none of which would have happened with a union contract. Remember when the passenger airlines were having issues and killing their pensions? Well, "poor" Fred took all of that publicity and applied the PAX woes to Express in order to justify eliminating the Traditional Plan. FedEx was doing just fine at the time. Fred saw an opportunity to screw us again...and did. How many times does he have to do it before you learn your lesson? Apparently,an unlimited number.

Purple People/Conservatives like you are the kind of spineless, complicit employees that have always allowed Fred to do exactly as he pleased with no consequences. No walkouts, no slowdowns, no "risky" behaviors that might threaten job security. Too afraid to call them out on their BS, failed policies, and inane strategies.

People like you listen to the winter recorder and come in 3 hours late, waive minimum hours and faithfully attend BBQs and other company events designed to prevent unions. That makes you, Sniper, and all of the others who drink the Kool-Aid ENABLERS, who have helped Fredward keep you firmly under his thumb since Day 1.

Fred or his successor will only bend when employees force the issue. Right now, FedEx is probably a takeover target anyway, so the issue is in flux. We should have unionized in the 90's, when people like me were holding meetings, being tailed and harassed, while simultaneously attempting to motivate sheep like you to come to a meeting, act out, or somehow cause FedEx consequences that would force the issue.

You stayed at home.


Well-Known Member
I find it amazing that FedEx employees in Europe are all unionized, FedEx bought a company in TNT that is fully unionized, yet employees in North America unionizing would bankrupt the company.

Very strange our counter parts across the pond haven't lead to the demise of the company...


Engorged Member
I find it amazing that FedEx employees in Europe are all unionized, FedEx bought a company in TNT that is fully unionized, yet employees in North America unionizing would bankrupt the company.

Very strange our counter parts across the pond haven't lead to the demise of the company...

They never mention that the Europeans are unionized or even acknowledge US pilots are ALPA, even though it's openly known.

Don't want to stir the pot, you know.
I find it amazing that FedEx employees in Europe are all unionized, FedEx bought a company in TNT that is fully unionized, yet employees in North America unionizing would bankrupt the company.

Very strange our counter parts across the pond haven't lead to the demise of the company...
Freddy has to eat too....


Well-Known Member
Here's the real deal. Your Republican/Libertarian mindset is that unions are BAD. Even when FedEx was extremely profitable, you were whining and commiserating with poor Fred that unionization would "kill" FedEx.

What got killed during the good days were your Traditional Pension, Shift Differential etc., none of which would have happened with a union contract. Remember when the passenger airlines were having issues and killing their pensions? Well, "poor" Fred took all of that publicity and applied the PAX woes to Express in order to justify eliminating the Traditional Plan. FedEx was doing just fine at the time. Fred saw an opportunity to screw us again...and did. How many times does he have to do it before you learn your lesson? Apparently,an unlimited number.

Purple People/Conservatives like you are the kind of spineless, complicit employees that have always allowed Fred to do exactly as he pleased with no consequences. No walkouts, no slowdowns, no "risky" behaviors that might threaten job security. Too afraid to call them out on their BS, failed policies, and inane strategies.

People like you listen to the winter recorder and come in 3 hours late, waive minimum hours and faithfully attend BBQs and other company events designed to prevent unions. That makes you, Sniper, and all of the others who drink the Kool-Aid ENABLERS, who have helped Fredward keep you firmly under his thumb since Day 1.

Fred or his successor will only bend when employees force the issue. Right now, FedEx is probably a takeover target anyway, so the issue is in flux. We should have unionized in the 90's, when people like me were holding meetings, being tailed and harassed, while simultaneously attempting to motivate sheep like you to come to a meeting, act out, or somehow cause FedEx consequences that would force the issue.

You stayed at home.
Actually very little of that describes me and I was very pro union until the Democrats took Fred's money and didn't give us the right to organize locally. To be correct on my view I've always believed a union was deserved when a company wasn't doing right by it's employees. But I never believed the money was there to do everything guys like you wanted. I actually stood up to and questioned a director for close to 10 minutes and was very critical of what the company was doing pay wise. Used to have a mgr in one location who liked to shake our hand and thank us for making our checks possible. Really made her mad when I refused to do that. Told her it would violate my conscience because of what they were doing to midrange employees. I've done as much as anyone short of walking a picket line. But that doesn't stop you from writing a certain narrative because like good communists everywhere you must destroy anyone who doesn't toe the line. I'd call you a jackass but don't want to insult jackasses.


Engorged Member
Actually very little of that describes me and I was very pro union until the Democrats took Fred's money and didn't give us the right to organize locally. To be correct on my view I've always believed a union was deserved when a company wasn't doing right by it's employees. But I never believed the money was there to do everything guys like you wanted. I actually stood up to and questioned a director for close to 10 minutes and was very critical of what the company was doing pay wise. Used to have a mgr in one location who liked to shake our hand and thank us for making our checks possible. Really made her mad when I refused to do that. Told her it would violate my conscience because of what they were doing to midrange employees. I've done as much as anyone short of walking a picket line. But that doesn't stop you from writing a certain narrative because like good communists everywhere you must destroy anyone who doesn't toe the line. I'd call you a jackass but don't want to insult jackasses.

Apologist Sheep Person. My bank account says I'm a capitalist. Yours says you're a socialist living on the dole.


Well-Known Member
Apologist Sheep Person. My bank account says I'm a capitalist. Yours says you're a socialist living on the dole.
If you were a capitalist you would understand why FedEx can't give the high pay and benefits you claim it can. You're a communist. Now go spread more lies.


Well-Known Member
Actually very little of that describes me and I was very pro union until the Democrats took Fred's money and didn't give us the right to organize locally. To be correct on my view I've always believed a union was deserved when a company wasn't doing right by it's employees. But I never believed the money was there to do everything guys like you wanted. I actually stood up to and questioned a director for close to 10 minutes and was very critical of what the company was doing pay wise. Used to have a mgr in one location who liked to shake our hand and thank us for making our checks possible. Really made her mad when I refused to do that. Told her it would violate my conscience because of what they were doing to midrange employees. I've done as much as anyone short of walking a picket line. But that doesn't stop you from writing a certain narrative because like good communists everywhere you must destroy anyone who doesn't toe the line. I'd call you a jackass but don't want to insult jackasses.
And any progress on such a measure will never happen as long as the GOP controls one or more houses of Congress and judicial benches continue to be filled up with conservative judges.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The older couriers never relied on GPS or the latest and greatest gizmos or the useless ROADS program and they can read an old fashioned paper map whereas the younger ones, well a lot of them haven't a clue.

An old guy can read a map. Good for him. He's still slower than anyone else who runs the route. Productivity is productivity.

Too bad they don't put you in charge because if you called the shots there would be the biggest age discrimination lawsuit in the history of America. You'd sink FedEx like a stone Jethro.

Oh, you ignorant thing. On what planet is it illegal to fire someone who can't do the job?

Not until employees like you who do meaningless jobs that are totally unnecessary are gone first.

Keep saying that over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and it might become true.


Well-Known Member
And any progress on such a measure will never happen as long as the GOP controls one or more houses of Congress and judicial benches continue to be filled up with conservative judges.
Everyone knows the Republicans are anti union. What the Dems did in 2010 reminds me of that scene in Braveheart when William Wallace realizes he'd been betrayed by Robert Bruce. Shocked the hell out of me.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
And any progress on such a measure will never happen as long as the GOP controls one or more houses of Congress and judicial benches continue to be filled up with conservative judges.
I think the OP article shows that legislation is not the barrier to unions at FedEx. The workers aren’t interested. The teamsters tried for years with FedEx Freight and came up empty. With a CDL driver shortage it’s fairly easy for those workers to demand better wages and conditions on their own. Face it, what we do is easy to train anyone to do. There’s no reason for FedEx to deal with a union when the labor is easily replaceable.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Purple People/Conservatives like you are the kind of spineless, complicit employees that have always allowed Fred to do exactly as he pleased with no consequences. No walkouts, no slowdowns, no "risky" behaviors that might threaten job security. Too afraid to call them out on their BS, failed policies, and inane strategies.

You're jumping on him for not going all Norma Rae when -by your own admission- you looked the other way as all sorts of horrible things went on and were a good boy because doing so helped ensure job security! Also by your own admission, the only time you dared to rock the boat was when you said you were going to badmouth FedEx to employees at another company, and you were going to do so behind a screen so they couldn't see you and you were going to use a gizmo to disguise your voice. I guess there were your failed attempts at anonymously blogging about FedEx - oh, so brave of you.

You're the biggest sellout on the board and don't realize it.


Well-Known Member
Everyone knows the Republicans are anti union. What the Dems did in 2010 reminds me of that scene in Braveheart when William Wallace realizes he'd been betrayed by Robert Bruce. Shocked the hell out of me.
And you'll still vote your straight Republican ticker every time.


Engorged Member
You're jumping on him for not going all Norma Rae when -by your own admission- you looked the other way as all sorts of horrible things went on and were a good boy because doing so helped ensure job security! Also by your own admission, the only time you dared to rock the boat was when you said you were going to badmouth FedEx to employees at another company, and you were going to do so behind a screen so they couldn't see you and you were going to use a gizmo to disguise your voice. I guess there were your failed attempts at anonymously blogging about FedEx - oh, so brave of you.

You're the biggest sellout on the board and don't realize it.

I was very open when we tried to unionize in 1996 and held meetings in conjunction with the Teamsters. We had decent turnout, including some management moles pretending to be hourlies who were subsequently walked out. When Fred got his special legislation, The Teamsters disappeared, and we were on our own. Absolutely dropped like a rock.

During the drive, all 3 of the main organizers were followed. I had an Ops Manager assigned to watch me, including off hours. They tried to set me up several times for termination, and failed because I always followed policy and documented anything out of the ordinary. They did the same to the other two lead organizers. One did get fired.

My tail wasn't very good at it and I caught him every time he tried to follow me. My assumption was that he reported back to the DD or Memphis on my activities.

After awhile, they gave up, and Fred's Kryptonite Express Carrier status ensured that there wasn't going to be a union.

I agreed to the anonymous interview only under the conditions described because I didn't want to return to dealing with another tail and more harassment.

As far as people like vantexan, they never showed up for meetings nor were interested in any job slowdowns, late arrivals etc, because they were cowards. The only way any of these tactics work is if there is mass participation. If one person walks off the belt, they get an OLCC. If everyone does, the situation is changed, and management needs to engage the issue.

You already know all of this, and the BBQ Squad tactics they use to this day. Anyone who openly advocates for a union is a target, and FedEx uses all sorts of policies to keep organizers off the premises.
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The resident gearhead
An old guy can read a map. Good for him. He's still slower than anyone else who runs the route. Productivity is productivity.

Oh, you ignorant thing. On what planet is it illegal to fire someone who can't do the job?

Keep saying that over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and it might become true.
You can’t fire a 50 year old employee because a 21 year old employee can do the job faster. That is age discrimination.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
You can’t fire a 50 year old employee because a 21 year old employee can do the job faster. That is age discrimination.

You can fire anyone, regardless of age, because he can't meet the performance expectations of the job. If you get so slow that you can no longer meet those expectations, you don't belong on that job. There is no requirement to adjust a job's expectations to match the abilities (or lack thereof) of the employee. Perhaps in situations where there is a qualifying disability and the reasonable standard accommodation, but not because someone gets slow.
You can fire anyone, regardless of age, because he can't meet the performance expectations of the job. If you get so slow that you can no longer meet those expectations, you don't belong on that job. There is no requirement to adjust a job's expectations to match the abilities (or lack thereof) of the employee. Perhaps in situations where there is a qualifying disability and the reasonable standard accommodation, but not because someone gets slow.
So you do need a union

Our contract States that age and physical ability must be taken into consideration.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
During the drive, all 3 of the main organizers were followed. I had an Ops Manager assigned to watch me, including off hours. They tried to set me up several times for termination, and failed because I always followed policy and documented anything out of the ordinary. They did the same to the other two lead organizers. One did get fired.

Oh, of course!

My tail wasn't very good at it and I caught him every time he tried to follow me. My assumption was that he reported back to the DD or Memphis on my activities.

And of course again!

It's amazing how you've talked of so many of these types of things, and in EVERY SINGLE ONE the result was "But they couldn't do anything because I was too smart for them." It's amazing that the company would try so hard to fire the self-professed model employee of model employees. I mean, heck, you're smarter than everyone else. You must be! You keep telling us!

I agreed to the anonymous interview only under the conditions described because I didn't want to return to dealing with another tail and more harassment.


As far as people like vantexan, they never showed up for meetings nor were interested in any job slowdowns, late arrivals etc, because they were cowards. The only way any of these tactics work is if there is mass participation. If one person walks off the belt, they get an OLCC. If everyone does, the situation is changed, and management needs to engage the issue.

And here you are, the guy who never walked off the belt, giving vantexan a hard time because he never walked off the belt. And he's a coward for not doing so, but not you. You WOULD have done it, but excuses.