Here's the real deal. Your Republican/Libertarian mindset is that unions are BAD. Even when FedEx was extremely profitable, you were whining and commiserating with poor Fred that unionization would "kill" FedEx.
What got killed during the good days were your Traditional Pension, Shift Differential etc., none of which would have happened with a union contract. Remember when the passenger airlines were having issues and killing their pensions? Well, "poor" Fred took all of that publicity and applied the PAX woes to Express in order to justify eliminating the Traditional Plan. FedEx was doing just fine at the time. Fred saw an opportunity to screw us again...and did. How many times does he have to do it before you learn your lesson? Apparently,an unlimited number.
Purple People/Conservatives like you are the kind of spineless, complicit employees that have always allowed Fred to do exactly as he pleased with no consequences. No walkouts, no slowdowns, no "risky" behaviors that might threaten job security. Too afraid to call them out on their BS, failed policies, and inane strategies.
People like you listen to the winter recorder and come in 3 hours late, waive minimum hours and faithfully attend BBQs and other company events designed to prevent unions. That makes you, Sniper, and all of the others who drink the Kool-Aid ENABLERS, who have helped Fredward keep you firmly under his thumb since Day 1.
Fred or his successor will only bend when employees force the issue. Right now, FedEx is probably a takeover target anyway, so the issue is in flux. We should have unionized in the 90's, when people like me were holding meetings, being tailed and harassed, while simultaneously attempting to motivate sheep like you to come to a meeting, act out, or somehow cause FedEx consequences that would force the issue.
You stayed at home.