I believe after a year of nothing Mueller may be searching for something he can hang on him even though that something won't have anything to do with Russian collusion. And if he finds something, anything, illegal, so be it. I still want the same scrutiny given to Hillary and her butt in jail for anything illegal. To date haven't heard anything about actual wrongdoing by Trump. But we know for a fact Hillary illegally operated a server conducting official business on it including top secret info. We know for a fact under subpoena she and her aides deleted 33,000 emails and tried to make them permanently irretrievable. We know for a fact that corporations, billionaires, and foreign governments contributed hundreds of millions to her foundation. Many of those entities also got a private meeting with her as Secretary of State, and both she and Bill gave speeches to many of those entities for as much as $750,000 a speech. So much so that their personal wealth went from almost "broke" when Bill left office, to over $120,000,000 by the time she started campaigning for president. If you know nothing else about them how do you explain all of this and why do you excuse it? Are Democrats of the mindset that you grab everything you can while you can and good for you if you do? Is that why you give her a pass on just about everything? This is the same couple who were selling nights in the Lincoln bedroom when Bill was in office. White trash lining their own pockets.