Feeder/Tractor Trailer Question


Well-Known Member
Hope everyone is having a good week so far. Question for all those smarter than I am. I’m covered by the Central Supplement....

We picked up a large pu account in one of our areas formally covered by a pacakage car. This particular package route “fed” two our satellite drivers, did a handful of deliveries then returned to the center.

Due to the volume of this new account the satellite volume now goes up in a tractor-trailer, the pickup is made, then the driver heads back, the deliveries formally on the package car were distributed between other routes.

When this change was made it was not made available to those of us on the qualified list. The reasoning, according to management, was this was not a feeder run, but a package route done with feeder equipment. So they re-qualified (was a former feeder driver who took his name off the qualified list) the driver who held the package route. Now, when this driver goes home when there’s extra work, or takes vacation me and the other qualified driver (who both have bid routes) are forced to fill it.

Several questions;

1) Should this have been made available to those on the qualified list first since it’s a new tractor trailer job? Or is it even considered a new job since it sort of morphed from an existing package route?

2) If we weren’t eligible to bid the job because “it’s not a feeder job” how (can) we be forced to cover it in his abscence?

3) Have any of you dealt with or heard of anything similar?

Any thoughts or advice are appreciated. Sorry for the length.


KTM rider
There was another thread posted about this very recently, like within the past 2 weeks. It is worth looking for, there was some good info in it.


Staff member
They did the same thing here, it was grieved, that job is now a feeder job. The package center driver who had the job got backdoored into feeders without ever having to sign a bid which made some folks bitter but that was the resolution.